Yulia Medovoy Edelshtain

The Godliness in me does not need a miracle

From last week’s Parsha of Shemot (Exodus). “And their cries I heard, and I will go down and save them…” The three letters in red are the first letters of Emily, Romi and Doron. Nomi Goldwasser Landis

Today is National Hebrew Language Day in Israel, יום הלשון העברית, and we will be celebrating it in my Ulpan. I am learning Hebrew five days a week, and my class has so many countries and languages. I am good with languages, and have been learning how to read and write Hebrew as a child in school, and was excited to start at the second level, Kita Bet.

One of my classmates came to Israel directly from Moscow, Russia. She was telling me that a child was scribbling a picture of peace between Russia and Ukraine in school, and his parents got reported to the Russian police and got sentenced. There was also a pediatric nurse that was heard talking about peace and got sent to jail. My family had to wait a year before the former Soviet Union gave us permission to leave in 1979, and our exit visa had to say Israel. Everything I was hearing reminded me of the reason my parents wanted to give their Jewish children a life free of this kind of government and Antisemitism.

All we can do is thank God for our life journey. This morning I was listening to a shiur, a weekly lesson from Rabbi Zajac in Los Angeles, and it puts into words a beautiful truth. “The Godliness in me does not need a miracle.” This is a very deep concept of recognizing how everything is connected, and allowing yourself to feel that everything is for the good and your growth. This describes my state of mind, and I feel grateful for my mother, who is always in this state of being. Complete emunah, faith and bitachon, trust that everything is exactly as it should be. One of my favorite phrases is, everything is figureoutable, and even if things are hard or not going your way, its for a reason and a lesson.

Many times you hear that people see signs or have winks from God, when you are listening to your instincts and deep feelings. This is our soul connection, and that is what the phrase means, that your soul connection does not need to see miracles. Especially when you are so deeply connected that you see that everything is a miracle unfolding right in front of your eyes. The picture above is a miracle in my eyes. The three hostages that were released alive, Thank God, the first letter of their names was in last weeks parsha, Torah portion. This personally blows my mind, and gives me peace inside.

Find your peace,

Find your purpose,

Find your people,

Trust your Soul,

Trust your Journey,

Trust Yourself.

About the Author
Yulia Medovoy Edelshtain loves to light up the world around her. Born in the Former Soviet Union, with magical parents. Mother from Moscow and father from Grozny, Chechnya, brought their family to the American dream in 1980, but on our exit visa it had to say Israel. Childhood in an orthodox community in Denver, Colorado, then followed relatives that came through Ellis Island to Miami, Florida. Fun place to grow up! Decided to find herself in Los Angeles, found Yoga and her husband, has three vibrant children. Just made Aliyah to Jerusalem. Miracle after miracle, Thank God!