The Hamas Squad
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
The following is a fictional account of a Question and Answer session before one of the standing committees of Congress……..
US Congress Q & A
Question: Is Hamas considered a terrorist organization by the State Department and the US Government and other governments around the world?
Answer: The United States designated Hamas as a terrorist organization in 1995, as did Canada in November 2002, and the United Kingdom in November 2021. The European Union so designated Hamas’s military wing in 2001 and, under US pressure, designated Hamas in 2003. Hamas challenged this decision, which was upheld by the European Court of Justice in July 2017. Japan and New Zealand have designated the military wing of Hamas as a terrorist organization. The organization is banned in Jordan. – Wikipedia
Question: What is the organization American Muslims for Palestine?
Answer: American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is an anti-Israel organization with strong ties to pro-Hamas individuals and organizations. While AMP refers to itself as an educational organization focused primarily on raising awareness for Palestinian causes, it has been described by the Anti-Defamation League as “the leading organization providing anti-Zionist training” in America.
Multiple individuals associated with AMP have ties to organizations that have been implicated by the federal government for offering support to terrorist entities such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. At a 2014 AMP conference, a lecturer invited attendees to “navigate the fine line between legal activism and material support for terrorism.”
AMP was founded in 2006 by Hatem Al Bazian, a controversial Palestinian-American professor at the University of California at Berkeley with ties to multiple anti-Israel organizations. Bazian gave a speech in 2004 in which he called for an “intifada,” or uprising, in the United States.
AMP is organized as a “corporate nonprofit,” and is exempt from publicly disclosing financial details on federal tax forms.
AMP receives funds through its fiscal sponsor, Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation Inc. (AJP), a 501(c)(3) organization. AMP and AJP are distinct entities despite sharing offices and officers, and funding similar work.
Between 2012 and 2016, Americans for Justice in Palestine, American Muslims for Palestine’s tax exempt arm, took in $3.6 million in donations. It claims to be supported entirely by donations from the public and does not disclose donations by any other organization. In 2016, AJP spent more than $950,000 on its activities, which included an annual pro-Palestinian conference in the U.S., print materials, grass-roots organizing, and a real estate purchase of $269,000.
Question: Who are the key people in AMP?
Answer: HATEM AL BAZIAN is the founder and president of both American Muslims for Palestine and Americans for Justice in Palestine.
RAFEEQ JABER has been identified in the Palestinian press as the “spiritual father” of American Muslims for Palestine.
ABDEL BASSET HAMAYEL served as secretary general for the Islamic Association for Palestine an organization found civilly liable in 2014 in a federal district court for offering material support for Hamas.
OSAMA ABUIRSHAID is American Muslims for Palestine’s National Coordinator and National Policy Director. In August 2015, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services deemed Abuirshaid “ineligible for naturalization” for failing to disclose his connections with Islamic Association for Palestine , the organization found liable for supporting Hamas. -wikipedia
Question: What is a lobby group?
Answer: Lobbyists are political professionals who work to lawfully influence policies, decisions, and actions of government officials (typically legislators & regulatory agency members). Lobbying firms are often viewed with suspicion, but this industry is part of the Constitution of the United States & is protected by the First Amendment.
Question: Are American Muslims for Palestine and Americans for Justice in Palestine registered lobby groups?
Answer: No.
Question: Is AMP and AJP connected to Hamas, a registered Terrorist organization?
Answer: American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is the leading organization providing anti-Zionist training and education to students and Muslim community organizations in the country. Founded in 2005, AMP promotes extreme anti-Israel views and has at times provided a platform for anti-Semitism under the guise of educating Americans about “the just cause of Palestine and the rights of self-determination. –
AMP has its organizational roots in the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), an anti-Semitic group that served as the main propaganda arm for Hamas in the United States until it was dissolved in 2004. Since its creation in 2005, AMP continues to work closely with some former IAP leaders who currently hold positions as AMP board members. –
Question: Would it be considered illegal or unethical if a Member of Congress associated with a member of a terrorist affiliated group?
Answer: Maybe that question should be addressed to Rashida Tlaib and her SQUAD.
On November 28, 2023, the UK’s Daily Mail published the following headline and points of an article written by Harriet Alexander
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Squad’ firebrand Rashida Tlaib’s astonishing links to shady Hamas group held liable for DEATH of an American Jew: Charity boss co-hosted her Congress campaign event… and more of her backers have clear ties to murderous terrorists
- Tlaib campaign event co-host Rafeeq Jaber refused to condemn Hamas’ October 7th terror attack when contacted by
- Jaber was president of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), which was ordered to pay $165 million to the American family of a Hamas terror victim
- IAP then dissolved but is alleged to have reemerged as American Muslims for Palestine, which has backed Rep. Rashida Tlaib
According to the Daily Mail, Harriet Alexander reports on a meeting which Rashida Tlaib had in 2018. She reports as follows “that Rashida Tlaib had the crowd eating out of her hand. It was March 2018, and the hookah lounge in a working-class suburb outside of Chicago was packed. Warm and engaging, switching frequently between English and Arabic, Tlaib – a Michigan State representative with larger ambitions – pleaded for out-of-state donations to help her become the first Palestinian American in Congress.”
“She unashamedly told the audience that her Detroit constituents often declared: ‘Rashida is a warrior, and this is a war we’re in.’
The Daily Mail’s Ms. Alexander then continues to report who was in the audience.
“Sitting in the front row, Rafeeq Jaber listened intently, seemingly impressed and knowing a thing or two about raising money to wage war. For Jaber’s now-defunct charity, the Islamic Association for Palestine, was found legally liable for financing the Hamas murder of an American and ordered to pay a $165 million settlement to the victim’s family.”
The Daily Mail reports that surprised by this connection, the journalist continues to write that “Jaber’s 2018 attendance – confirmed to by a national security research institute – at an event for a future-U.S. Congresswoman would likely shock most Americans. But he was far more than simply a guest. Jaber was a prominent host of Tlaib campaign gatherings, and he remains unrepentant today – even refusing to condemn Hamas when asked to do so by”
The Daily Mail article adds..
“What’s more, he is not Tlaib’s only major supporter with alleged ties to the vicious killers now responsible for the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.
There’s Wisconsin furniture salesman Salah Sarsour, who co-hosted a party for Tlaib in July 2018 in Milwaukee. His name appears on the official Tlaib invite to the event.Sarsour is known to U.S. counter terror experts as being a suspected fundraiser in one of the largest pro-Hamas money laundering operations in U.S. history.”
She continues….
“Then there’s Abdelbaset Hamayel, whose name is listed alongside Jaber’s as a co-host on an official ‘Rashia Tlaib For Congress’ invitation to a meet and greet at the Jerusalem Banquet restaurant in Bridgeview, Illinois in July 2018. Hamayel was a purported point person for another charity, named KindHearts, that was accused by the U.S. Treasury Department of financing terrorism in 2006.”
The journalist tries to treat Tlaib fairly when she notes that
“Tlaib’s defenders claim it is unreasonable to expect her to know the background of all the guests at her campaign events or the 45,000 donors named on her Federal Election Commission records. That’s fair enough. Yet she certainly should know the identities of her co-hosts.”
Finally The Daily Mail’s Harriet Alexander provides a brief history of the ties which Rashida Tlaib’s backers have to Hamas.
(Please note that Ms. Alexander’s claims are similar to the claims I made in my previous postings)
The Daily Mail article continues that “Perhaps most troubling of all is the thread tying these Tlaib’s campaign boosters together, as a Daily investigation has now revealed that each of them are connected to an alleged pro-Hamas network that – to this day – is under investigation for supporting terror.”
She continues to examine the history of Hamas’ infiltration into America with a lengthy but clear analysis of the players behind Hamas in America, as follows
The origins of the pro-Hamas network in America can be traced to an October 1993 meeting at a Marriott Courtyard hotel in Philadelphia.
Shortly after the fledging terror group launched its first suicide bombing, killing one and injuring 10 people at a rest area on the Jordan Valley Highway in the West Bank, sympathetic activists met in Philly for a secret three-day conflab.
They anticipated that the U.S. government would declare Hamas a ‘foreign terror organization’ – which it did in 1997 – and block the flow of donations to the group.
The participants debated how they could continue providing support to Hamas, and they knew they had to be careful: U.S. law enforcement may be listening.
So, the attendees were circumspect – pronouncing the terror group’s name backward as ‘Samah’ or simply as ‘the movement’.
The paranoia was justified. The Bureau was listening.
FBI agents had bugged the meeting, and subsequent recordings were used to convict some of the participants for backing terrorism.
‘I swear by Allah that war is deception,’ one senior leader said, according to a FBI transcript. ‘Deceive, camouflage, pretend that you’re leaving while you’re walking that way. Deceive your enemy.’
Deceive they did.
As Hamas found its footing, associates poured money into its coffers and it worked until the network was picked apart by American authorities.”
Federal agents raided and locked down the headquarters of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation of Relief and Development (HLF) on suspicion of fundraising for Hamas in 2001.
Seven years later, the Justice Department secured convictions against HLF and its leadership for illegally funneling approximately $12.4 million to the terrorists.
Five HLF leaders were sentenced to a collective 180 years in federal prison and the faux charity was shuttered.
To date – it is the largest successful terrorism financing prosecution in U.S. history. But not everyone allegedly involved in the scheme faced justice.
Salah Sarsour – the furniture store owner whose name appears on an invitation for a Tlaib campaign event in Milwaukee in July of 2018 – allegedly helped raise money for HLF, according to a 2001 FBI memorandum.
He was never charged.
And HLF’s pro-Hamas mission allegedly carried on.
The U.S. Treasury Department claimed that HLF simply dissolved and reconstituted itself another as another charity called KindHearts, which was based in Ohio.
‘KindHearts is the progeny of Holy Land Foundation and Global Relief Foundation, which attempted to mask their support for terrorism behind the façade of charitable giving,’ Treasury officials claimed when they froze KindHearts assets in 2006.
At the time, KindHearts’ representative[i] in Illinois and Wisconsin was Abdelbaset Hamayel – another Tlaib campaign co-host.
KindHearts challenged the order shut down, and a court in 2010 ruled the government action was unconstitutional as insufficient time was given to allow KindHearts to challenge the decision.
In 2011 KindHearts settled with the government, denying involvement in terrorism financing but agreeing to dissolve their organization.
The alleged network was increasingly exposed. And the murder of an American blew it wide open and into a U.S. courtroom.”
David Boim was born in Brooklyn, New York, but on May 13, 1996, he was living in Jerusalem and studying at a yeshiva.
It was the day he was murdered.
The 17-year-old student was waiting with friends at a bus stop near Beit El in the West Bank when two Hamas terrorists opened fire on the crowd from a moving car.
One student, Yair Greenbaum, was hit in the chest and wounded. David was shot in the head and killed.
David’s devastated parents took their grief to civil court and, in 2000, after years of preparation they brought a case under a 1992 law that permits American victims to sue anyone providing material support to terror groups.
Named as a defendant in that lawsuit was the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), which for decades had operated out of a nondescript office in a bland strip mall in the Chicago suburb of Palos Hills.
Its benign appearance belied the allegation that it was founded in the 1980s by Hamas’s de facto foreign minister, Mousa Abu Marzook.
In the lawsuit, Rafeeq Jaber – the man sitting front row at Tlaib’s 2018 hookah lounge campaign event – was identified as IAP’s president.
Jaber, at the time, denied any involvement in Boim’s death. ‘We are guilty because we happen to be Muslims, happen to be Palestinians,’ he said. ‘This is a sad day for justice.’
A federal judge saw it differently and found IAP and its co-defendants legally responsible for the murder of David Boim, because they helped finance the terrorists.
IAP and its co-defendants were ordered to pay the Boim family $156 million in damages, marking the first decision of its kind under the anti-terrorism law.
Only IAP didn’t pay up.
Instead, the group closed its doors – or at least it claimed to.
According to a number of antiterror experts, like former U.S. Treasury Department analyst Jonathan Schanzer, IAP merely changed its name and re-emerged under another – American Muslims for Palestine (AMP).
That claim is currently the focus of an on-going lawsuit as the Boims allege that AMP is the alter ego of IAP.
And if the Boim’s contention is proven true, it would be truly disturbing – the least of which for Democrats – because AMP has thrown its weight behind several Democratic members of Congress, including Rashida Tlaib.”
On Wednesday, November 15th, Jonathan Schanzer appeared before the House Ways and Means Committee and took the government to task for its failure to act on his warnings about Hamas financers in America.
After all, Schanzer, who worked as a terrorism finance analyst for the Treasury Department from 2004 to 2007, has testified on this topic twice before.
‘The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), and KindHearts for Charitable Development were three organizations implicated in financing Hamas between 2001 and 2011,’ Schanzer cautioned lawmakers. ‘Many of them have gravitated to a new organization called American Muslims for Palestine.’
Despite Schanzer’s previous testimonies delivered seven years ago, AMP’s influence has only grown. The group’s lobbying arm now openly seeks to influence – and elect – members of Congress.
Tlaib has spoken at multiple AMP events, including a 2019 annual gala in Chicago, a 2020 chapter meeting in St. Louis, Missouri and a range of online gatherings. Prominent AMP members have aided her congressional campaign.
Salah Sarsour – that alleged Holy Land fundraiser – is now identified as an AMP National Board Member and the director of the group’s tax-exempt charitable arm.
Abdelbaset Hamayel – that purported KindHearts point man – is identified as AMP’s Executive Director on the Facebook page of AMP’s Chicago chapter and is reportedly active in the organization.
Finally, AMP’s AJP Educational Foundation lists Rafeeq Jaber – the former president of IAP – as its tax preparer on recent IRS filings.”
The article continues….
“To this day, Jaber works out of that same nondescript office building in Palos Hills. When contacted by phone, Jaber told that he was exasperated by repeated calls to condemn Hamas and refused to do so.
‘Whatever Hamas did, it does not justify this,’ he said, referring to the October 7 massacre and Israeli’s invasion of Gaza.
Asked if he would condemn both Hamas and Israel, Jaber again demurred. ‘Condemnation is not going to change anything,’ he stated and defended his support for Tlaib.
AMP and Tlaib, however, don’t appear to be fazed by the attention.
When contacted for comment by, Congresswoman Tlaib’s office did not answer.
And just two weeks after Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel, AMP’s representatives were back on Capitol Hill meeting with lawmakers on their annual ‘Advocacy Day’.
Rashida Tlaib’s picture was featured on their flier.”
This article from the Daily Mail was a “breath of fresh air” in a world overflowing with anti-Israel journalists.
Jon Levine is another brave journalist. In an article recently published in the New York Post, the headline read
Greg Meeks, ‘Squad’ took thousands from nonprofit under investigation for funding Hamas
The article, which was published on Nov. 11, 2023 reports that Tlaib’s other Squad member “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and members of her progressive House “Squad” received thousands of dollars in campaign donations from a nonprofit currently under investigation for potentially financing Hamas terrorism.”
The New York Post reports that “last month Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares announced American Muslims for Palestine was being probed for “allegations that the organization may have used funds raised for impermissible purposes under state law, including benefitting or providing support to terrorist organizations.”
The reporter explains that “the group is also known as AJP Educational Foundation Inc. and that the complaint linked to a May 2022 lawsuit which accused American Muslims for Palestine of “providing indirect support for Hamas”
Mr. Levine provides more information about Hamas funding for members of Congress. He reports that “in 2021, AMP’s executive director, Osama Abu Irshaid, donated $3,000 to Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Queens), according to records. Meeks is the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee who has been dogged by corruption accusations for years. A year later, Irshaid gave $500 to Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — who was censured after publicly defending Hamas and calling for the destruction of Israel. He gave a smattering of smaller donations to other Squad members, including AOC ($105); Missouri Rep. Cori Bush ($56); Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar ($56), and Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley ($31.).”
The New York Post article goes on to report that “Salah Sarsour, an AMP national board member, added another $1,000 to Tlaib in 2019, while Dr. Hatem Al-Bazian, who is listed as AMP’s chairman, has given Omar $1,250 over the years.”
And the newspaper draws the web even tighter when he quotes Tlaib, “The work AMP and all Palestinian advocacy organizations have been doing has never been more important,” Tlaib says in a quote featured on the AMP website.
In AMP’s scorecard of New York state lawmakers, only AOC and Rep. Jamaal Bowman received an A rating.
Even before the Virginia probe, American Muslims for Palestine had long been hotbed of antisemitic activity, according to the Anti-Defamation League. On Oct. 7 — the day Hamas terrorists massacred roughly 1,400 Israeli civilians — the group put out a statement declaring that “Israeli violence is the root cause of violence and unrest in the region.”
Mr. Levine also makes the connection with the recent student demonstrations on campuses. He notes that “AMP also works closely with Students for Justice in Palestine — whose founder is AMP board member Hatem Al-Bazian — a radical student organization which has been banned by Brandeis University and the entire state university system of Florida for supporting Hamas.”
Mr. levine reports that other members of Congress are proud NOT to be connected to the Squad members. He writes…
“It comes as no surprise that members of the Hamas Caucus and other radical left-wing Democrats have received significant donations from AJP Educational Foundation Inc., also known as American Muslims for Palestine, a nonprofit that is now being investigated for financing terrorism,” said upstate NY Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (R-Finger Lakes). “I am beyond honored to have received an F rating from this terrorist organization due to my commitment to Israel.”
Back to our Q & A. As a member of Congress is it legal to accept donations from known terrorist organizations? Is it ethical to do so? Is it treason? Remember the Oath of Office!