Uri Hirsch

The Height of Irony

Who is a hero? One would answer that he is the one that commits a heroic act, saves a life, is an illustrious warrior, one who is admired for his achievements or courage, etc., etc.

Israel has been blessed with many such people and therefore it is frustrating and disappointing to comprehend how this country that is known for so much legitimacy, heroism, assistance to others in time of need, enormous strength and on and on can produce two of the most heroic individuals who then made a 180 degree turn and became two of the most damaging individuals to the State of Israel. Their faulty actions have directly and indirectly caused tremendous amounts of economic damage and many deaths with lasting repercussions that are continuing to this day.

I am talking about Generals Moshe Dayan and Arik Sharon. These two individuals have contributed greatly to the military accomplishments of our state but have also been the cause that led to great suffering for our people.

Dayan for some unexplained (stupid) reason gave the authority to the Moslem community to administer the Temple Mount following a miraculous 6-day war. This, after he helped win the war that restored that site to the Jewish people after thousands of years. This ridiculous gesture of his has to this day caused riots, injuries death and desecration of the holiest place to our people. The very fact that Jews cannot pray on our holiest site but that the Moslems can when it isn’t even their holy site is inexcusable. Where in history is there a victor of a war that allows the vanquished to be rewarded? I suggest that perhaps because of the fact that Dayan was not a religious man and therefore didn’t understand or have the religious feeling for the sacredness of the place that caused him to make the fatal mistake. Ironically, Dayan was also an archaeologist of sorts and should have known better what he was doing.

General Sharon was known for his audacity whose highlight was not to listen to his superiors and by doing so was able to bring the Yom Kippur war to an end, albeit with many casualties. He was a hero to so many. I remember giving a ride to a soldier following the war and in the car, he couldn’t wait to show off one of his prized possessions–a picture of him posing with Sharon. However in 2005, after losing a popular referendum on the subject he decided to “hand over” (abandon) the Gaza strip to one of our worst enemies. His faulty vision was that the Arabs would take it over and establish a good life for themselves there and leave the Jews alone after many years of harassment and violence. Look at today’s situation and look back at all the years since the “Gush Katif” expulsion took place.

No more need be said but can these two generals be praised as heroes?

About the Author
M.Ed from a leading U.S. university. English instructor. Former Gabai in U.S. and Israeli synagogues. Lover of Israel. Member of the politically right in Israel.