The House with the Red ‘X’
We are at war; full blown, clearly elucidated and incontrovertible war. And the war is being conducted on multiple fronts: in Gaza against Hamas, in Lebanon against Hezbollah, in the east against Iraq (which launched additional drones towards Israel overnight) as well as the indirect war with Iran which is funding and encouraging all three proxies to maintain their attacks against Israel. No doubt, one of these days we will see some action from the Houthis in Yemen who may not want to “miss out on the action” and will also be encouraged by Iran to enter the fray. Its open season on Jews, as you know.
Yesterday, Hezbollah launched over 350 missiles, drones and rockets at northern Israel reaching as far south as Haifa. In the community of Kiryat Bialik an apartment building took a direct hit by a missile aimed for the Ramat David Air Base in Haifa, which was also hit, causing multiple injuries. There is at least one house there with a spray painted red “X” on the front signifying that it is no longer inhabitable. Other communities were affected as well with over two million Israelis (Jews, Arabs, Christians and Druze) all living within striking range of Hezbollah’s weaponry.
From Haifa north, schools are closed, hospitalized patients have been moved to below ground facilities, public events have been reduced or cancelled and people are spending their nights in bomb shelters.
Israel responded in kind of course and over the last few days eliminated an entire cadre of Hezbollah leadership while they sat in a meeting in a Beirut basement presumably planning their own October 7th massacre against Israel. Included in that group was the mastermind of the 1982 bombings of US facilities in Lebanon including a marine barracks that killed over 230 US service people. The US had a $7m bounty out for the killers but, given the close relationship between our two countries, we will not demand payment of course.
Israel has been aggressive in its response and is using high tech armaments to identify rocket launch sites in Lebanon and take them out before they can do damage. In one case we identified a two-story civilian residence in southern Lebanon that had a cruise missile on the second floor ready to launch along with a door on the side that was rigged to open at the time of launch. The building, its contents and the terrorists inside were eliminated with precision bombs before the missile could be fired.
In Gaza there is talk that Sinwar may be dead but there has been no confirmation of that fact. There is also rumor of a plan to starve out northern Gaza in order to bring Hamas to its knees and surrender but the government says its only one of many plans under consideration.
As we approach the first anniversary of October 7th two weeks from today, a memorial to those who fell that day was unveiled yesterday here in Jerusalem in a ceremony attended by the government leadership. It is located on Ruppin Street across from the new National Library down the block from the Israel Museum and steps away from the Knesset. Yet another moving memorial in a country with too many such memorials erected in the last 76 years.
A check of the alert system on my phone as I write this shows that rockets and missiles continue to rain down on Israel both from the north and the south. I also just heard a squadron of fighter jets pass overhead here in Jerusalem, the 9th such flyover since 6:00 AM today. Everyone here is dealing with war-induced stress right now as one can understand.
Through all of this, life in the rest of the country goes on more or less as usual but clearly subdued. All of us have friends and/or relatives who are living in the north. Those who evacuated a year ago wonder what their homes look like now and how many have a red “X” spray painted on the outside walls, while everyone wonders what the phrase “returning to normal” even means.
But as Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, a well-regarded psychiatrist and author of over 90 books on Judaism and self-help issues, said: “Times of stress are also times that are signals for growth, and if we use adversity properly, we can grow through adversity.”
We Jews are experts at compartmentalizing our lives and this morning I took an hour off to listen to a lecture by our congregational rabbi on practical topics of Jewish law. So, while the planes were flying overheard, and the rockets were raining down on the north, 25 of us on zoom were learning whether it is permissible to take flowers out of a vase and reposition them on the sabbath or is it not permissible because it might be considered “work” which is prohibited on the sabbath. How’s that for compartmentalization?
Growth through adversity to be sure as we fight our existential battle for survival. May the good Lord protect us and help us be victorious.