The man with the polar pig
Sharon is Gone. Here Come The Pigs.
Aside from tech news and the seasonal holidays’ good cheer, so far, this January has been pockmarked by revolutionary-style violence in many countries, political upheaval in Africa, financial stresses on the leading capital markets, Dennis Rodman and his ‘friend’ Kim Jong Un, a failing Palestinian-Israeli peace process, the death of Ariel Sharon, and America’s Polar Vortex, aka: the Polar Pig.
Personally, the polar pig is the one that makes me smile the most out of that lot. And here’s why, in a handy Top 5 list:
5. A polar pig is no bulldozer, but it too can freeze whole settlements and construction plans.
4. A polar pig is more fun than watching a crackpot former NBA star bow his head to the bi-polar pig in Pyong Yang.
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3. Even if your tuchus is frozen solid, as long as your thumbs are warm, you may tweet your kvetches about the weather during the polar pig.
2. You can still play Angry Birds during a Polar Pig, and you don’t have to choose the Pork Side.
1. Jews in North America can enjoy the polar pig without fear of breaking the laws of Kashrut.
Full disclosure: In addition to cartooning and icing major headlines with the full length of his pens, Yasha Harari has worked for a number of start-ups in the U.S. and Israel.