The ‘right’ should now call for PM Netanyahu to resign…
It’s time now for the ‘right’ to request, nay to demand, that PM Netanyahu resign.
Not for all the reasons the ‘left’ want him to resign.
But because on this, perhaps the most fateful and important decision that Israel must take in a decade or more, he’s right.
He’s right because the security of the nation cannot be compromised for the hostages, even as my heart breaks for them and I pray sincerely every day for their safe return, and also because the hostages do not have a monopoly as victims of Israel’s predicament, past, present or future.
And PM Netanyahu must show himself morally worthy of being a leader of the Jewish people by resigning, and redeem himself in the eyes of the many who believe he is not, because PM Netanyahu on this issue really believes, really knows he’s right.
And because he knows that being right is not enough now, as Yossi Klein Halevi has today argued.
This is not only about national unity, even though I have argued that national unity should be Israel’s first consideration ahead of any ideological factor.
It is also because, if this decision is taken and not seen to be taken for the right reason, Israel’s capacity to win this war will be reduced, even if PM Netanyahu continues to ride out pressure to sign a calamitous deal.
So because this issue is so vital for the future of the country, and because PM Netanyahu understands how important that the right decision is taken and seen to be taken for the right reasons, he must hand over to another strong leader who sees things on this issue with the same clarity and resolve as he does, one unburdened by the politics and loss of trust that PM Netanyahu faces.
Then the right decision can be taken without the aspersions being cast on the motivation for taking that decision.
And I want to add, I also deeply care about the Palestinian civilians, and their need for relief. And for those who think that a ceasefire with Hamas on the terms that are proposed will help those civilians, think about this.
Hamas are unrepentant for establishing their terror facilities and tunnels in the civilian infrastructure. The moment they can, they will start rebuilding those facilities and tunnels. The ceasefire will therefore be the first step in the inevitable next ‘cycle of violence’.
Winning this war – which means forcing Hamas out and preventing them from being able to govern Gaza again – is necessary for the wellbeing of Palestinians as well as Israelis.