Yehuda Mansell

The Right to Express – More BombShelterSelfies

I was a little shocked the other day when I received a few mean-spirited responses regarding #BombShelterSelfies I had posted on Twitter. For the unTwitterfied, a Bomb Shelter Selfie is an ironic twist on the regular Selfie, which is simply a picture you take of yourself, but in a bomb shelter. In my case, my family is crowded in, and it was an attempt to distract from the siren, and make my wife laugh.

Being Canadian, I was compelled to do some self-examination and almost apologized; thinking that maybe there was something wrong or offensive in this expression. In the meantime, I gently explained to one detractor that there was no crime in happiness, and the more hateful ones I simply ignored.

But I’ve thought long and hard about the matter and have concluded that not only is this a valid expression of what we are going through, it is also an important contrast to the ugliness we see in the Twitterverse and other social media realms.

Here’s why:

  1. Humour, even dark humour is an effective way to dispel anxiety. (This is why Benji Lovitt is my Valium right now – @benjilovitt)
  2. As long as I am not denigrating others, no one is harmed by this, and some might even be helped or at least amused.
  3. I am not in control of my circumstances, so if I can choose to smile during a terrifying and stressful moment, then in a small way, I’ve taken back what terror has tried to steal from me.
  4. If I can smile and laugh a little at the insanity, there is less room in my heart for hatred. Cuz we know how well that works out.

Apparently, the anti-Israel (anti-Semitic actually) Trolls are offended that I am not more terrorized. So, for this reason alone – I will continue to express humour during dark times.

Here’s to #BombShelterSelfies!

About the Author
35, Canadian, Father of three, Husband of one. IT background, Writer/Editor, Beat-poet, Student, Geek, Ultra-runner.
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