POST-HARMONY Special Project
The Script of Life: Drama of Rescue Life & Pygmies Outside
There is no better writer and a script-writer of life than life itself, with all its ups and downs, downs and ups, and strength of good which are , yes, winning, overcoming the dominion of darkness.
On this just passing Shabbat, the IDF in a very daring operation succeed to rescue four hostages, paying for that by the life of a great Israeli soldier, the commander of Yamam division Arnon Zamora, who led the operation.

Arnon Zamora, hero of Israel. (C) StandwithUS. With kind permission.
His funeral is today, as well as the funeral of one of the rescued hostages, Almor Meir’s father. Almor in his 21, after eight months of captivity in the hands of the barbarians, would have immediately to attend the funeral of his father who died literally two hours before the IDF came to his home to announce that his son was rescued. It is the IDF staffers who found Almor’s father dead. He was driven to death by his grief and anxiety, his family said.
The girl rescued,27-year old Noa Agramani, managed just and just to visit after her rescue her dying mother in the hospital in Tel-Aviv, where doctors are doing all possible and impossible to keep Noa’s mother, with very progressed brain tumour, in living condition. Even the doctors were not sure if the mother did realise that she was seeing her daughter free now, in such difficult condition the mother is. The doctors were hoping that she did, as so did we, all of us who cares about our hostages day and night now, for eight months.

Noa Argamani with her father after being rescued by the IDF. June 8th, 2024.
The IDF did show the qualities of which the world, so ever hostile, and mean in its large portion, sorry, know about our army, about its resilience and ability.
We all are bottomlessly happy for saved life and rescued hostages and our hearts bleed for our hero Arnon Zamora and the poor victims, Almor’s father and Noa’s mother, who is in a very bad condition.

Almog Meir with his family after being rescued by the IDF. June 8, 2024.
Just one thing: innocent civilian 27-year girl was kept, locked in, after three previous locations, all ‘normal’, ‘civilian’ Palestinian families, by wealthy ‘normal’, ‘civilian’ – ah, yes, – ‘innocent’ Palestinian family which fed her, but did not allow her to wash herself, only after long pleas, and pressed her all the time telling her how incredibly happy she is to be with them , not in the tunnels.
The wealthy family of the Palestinian ‘humanists’ has become a bit more wealthy receiving the payment for their services to the vicious terrorists. Business as usual.
The Spanish boss of EU diplomacy and all the moral pygmies alike global-wise, who in a blink of an eye continued his public hysteric about ‘violation of whatever laws’ by Israel, we always violate, it is the fact of life in their sick, pathetic, and repulsive world, whatever we do, just breathing too, not only lost the last drop of decency, which he never had, but also crossed any line of reason, stating publicly that the terrorist paid assistants are civilians. Anyway, who cares what they are mumbling.
The world, not only Israel, will always remember the IDF superb officer Arnon Zamora. This is what is heroism is about: leading sample and graceful memory.
Nobody would ever remember all those cheap bosses at the UN, EU and any other moral perverts in whatever governments they are ruling for some while.
The fact of life is that the rescue operation was conducted professionally, heroically and successfully on the Shabbat, in the beginning of the Jewish month of Sivan which is regarded as the month of unity among the Jewish people, just a few days before the Shavuot, the special holiday which celebrates receiving the Torah by the Jewish people, with the clear and detailed moral code which has become the foundation of humanistic civilisation, not barbarian one.
This is what matters. And this is what it is about.
Our hearts are full of gratitude, and our spirit is revived. Boruch H-shem, Toda Raba, the IDF and everyone who did risk their lives in this great rescue operation, love to the families of all the hostages who are still kept by the barbarians, both militant and ‘civilian’ ones.
There is a force of good in this world, and it is able to collect itself, and to prevail over the evil. And this is the main script for a humans to exist.
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