The Torah of the Current Messiah–II
In the Spiritual School of the Soul – the Awakening of Neshamah
My spiritual journey started in Moscow in January 1971. As I mentioned, ‘by chance’ I came across the book The Great Initiates by Édouard Schuré which revealed to me the idea of God as supreme Divine Intelligence, Universal Spirit, Living Light and the great mystery of Creation.
In October 1971, in Moscow, with two close colleagues and friends, I attended a course of autogenetic training, which was a cover for a hidden Yoga group. In great appreciation of the Hindu tradition, especially the Divine Guru Ramakrishna, I read many books and started the process of opening my spiritual centres (chakras). Ramakrishna was my first spiritual love, a love which still remains in my heart.
In January 1972, I met a Bulgarian friend in Moscow, who introduced me to the Bulgarian Spiritual Tradition called the Universal Brotherhood, initiated by the Spiritual Master Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov 1864-1944). In February 1972, during my winter holidays in Sofia, I established personal contact with members, Brothers and Sisters, of the Universal Brotherhood and was introduced to the Teaching and the Cause of the Master Beinsa Douno as the World Teacher for our time. It is well known that when the disciple is ready, the Master appears.
Ramakrishna was my first love, but the Master Beinsa Douno became my inner spiritual Teacher. Interestingly, I was studying (writing my PhD thesis) and living in Moscow, but I found my Teacher, Beinsa Douno, almost on my doorstep in Sofia – his community was about twenty minutes from my home. Returning to Moscow, I shared this news with my friends and the participants in the Yoga group. Eagerly we awaited the summer spiritual camp of the Universal Brotherhood in Bulgaria, which would give valuable information about this new and unique spiritual tradition.
In the summer of 1972, during my summer holidays, I participated in the summer camp of the Universal Brotherhood on the sacred mountain Rila in Bulgaria. This first summer camp was a revelation for me and gave me a real experience of the level of consciousness which I subsequently named the reality of the Garden of Paradise. In the summer camps, lasting for a month or so, the participants learned to live together in love and friendship as one great spiritual family, to appreciate Nature and all forms of life and to overcome the challenges which the high mountains provide. The focus of the day in these summer camps was the Morning Prayer and meditation at Sunrise, which lasted about ninety minutes, followed by the sacred dance Paneurhythmy (High comic rhythm), lasting another ninety minutes. So, for about three hours every day I was witnessing and participating in the great cosmic spiritual life, integrating all levels of Being.
The Master Beinsa Douno often said that his Teaching and the Paneurhythmy would spread to Russia and would become the seed of the new Solar Culture on Earth and of the Sixth Race in human civilisation. I am very grateful that I was blessed by the Master to bring his Teaching, and especially the sacred dance Paneurhythmy, to Russia for the first time.
The Light Leaders in the Bulgarian Brotherhood saw in me an opportunity to spread the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno in Russia. I was delighted with this idea and we started making plans to achieve this: unfortunately, one attempt to introduce the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno a few years earlier, had failed with serious consequences for the participants; so, we had to envisage a way to circumvent the Russian communist authorities and to fulfil this important task.
After the summer camp in Bulgaria, I shared the good news with my friends in Moscow. We decided to form a spiritual group and to get acquainted with the Teaching and the Cause of the Master Beinsa Douno, especially with his sacred dance Paneurhythmy, as a focus of his entire Teaching. Our aim was to set in motion an amazing period in our lives, full of inspiration, enthusiasm, challenges and many unforgettable spiritual events.
The first Paneurhythmy, on March 22, 1973, in the suburbs of Moscow, was a great spiritual event. Because the Master predicted that the new Solar Culture would come from Russia, we had the feeling that our modest circle of Paneurhythmy set in motion the great historical process of developing the new Solar Culture. Without exaggeration it could be said that bringing the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno to Russia for the first time, was a big story for a whole book – with ‘Prologue’ (the predictions of the Master for the new Solar Culture, based on his Teaching), ‘Introduction’ (my first visit to the summer camp and discussion with the Elders for spreading the Teaching, and especially the Paneurhythmy in Russia), ‘Exposition’ and ‘Development’ (Forming the group in Moscow and contacting various other spiritual groups), ‘Culmination’ (the first two Paneurhythmy events in the suburbs of Moscow on March 22 and March 25) and further developments. Now the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno and the Paneurhythmy are well spread in Russia and give many important fruits.
After my return to Bulgaria (July 1973), I rearranged my life in accordance with the spiritual tradition of the Master Beinsa Douno. From a ‘bright intellectual’ I became a devoted spiritual disciple – prayerful, meditative, studying spiritual literature and living a wholesome style of life. Moreover, I transformed and spiritualised all relationships in my life – social, professional, friendly, family, intimate and others. Thus, at the risk of losing my job, being exiled and other possible recriminations from the authorities, I became a committed participant in the Spiritual School of the Soul of the Master Beinsa Douno and started my journey to the higher celestial worlds, led by him.
Soon the first spiritual fruits began to appear. My eyes were opened and I perceived the mountains, Nature, the Earth and all of life as a magnificent sea of Divine Love, Light, Music, Colour Rays of Light and spiritual thought-forms. I had a real experience of the Garden of Paradise consciousness and of the blossoming of the Soul. I became much more sensitive spiritually and developed some clairvoyant abilities. My feeling was that through the style of life, the prayers, the songs and the Teaching of the Master Beinsa Douno, he himself revealed to me the essence of the spiritual Universe and the many Divine worlds in it. This period of my life was a very joyful active participation in the great Spiritual School of the Soul.
From the point of view of the quoted monumental Kabbalistic Scheme by Halevi, I could summarise that all my spiritual activities, from January 1971 until January 1974, were an active participation in the Lesser Mysteries: Schools of the Soul in the World of Formation.
One of the most inspiring first experiences for me on Rila was the vision of the celestial school of the Master Beinsa Douno. In July 1975, in preparation for the summer camp, I spent a few days alone in the mountain house of Yastrebets. At that time the lift from Borovets did not exist and the virginity and the beauty of the area was exquisite. Every morning, I would meet the Sunrise from the hill above the mountain house.
At that time, the Sunrises were magnificent but one surpassed them all. The prayers, the songs and the formulas of the Master Beinsa Douno became alive and the whole space was lit by his Divine Spirit: the songs reverberated as celestial music (revealing the harmony of the spheres); the prayers and the formulas became Living Words; the Universe appeared as a living spiritual cosmos, full of Light Beings.
Little by little, caressed by the Sun beams and the tender breeze, I entered into a new time-space experience – the Cosmic-spiritual Spring of the Universe. In it Creation was like a ‘blossoming’ Divine entity! The vibrations of the four elements were raised to the ethereal level and became the metaphysical essence of the Four Initiations through the elements.
At this sublime moment I entered into the Celestial School of the Master Beinsa Douno. In it the Universe, the Solar system, the Earth and all the Kingdoms of life became a continuum of living sacred energies. I felt that we, the awakening human beings, as Sons and Daughters of G-d, were invited to enter into our Celestial Home and to grow in Divine Love, Wisdom and Truth. From the point of view of Kabbalah, I achieved the level of cosmic consciousness called Neshamah! I had heard a lot about the Celestial School of the Master from the older brothers and sisters of the community, but I never imagined such a wonderful and majestic metaphysical Reality. The thoughts and the feelings which I experienced were ecstatic and I gave thanks to the Master from the depths of my heart. Mystically I merged with the perfect Celestial Body of the Master and felt his Divine embrace.