The Torah of the Current Messiah – III

In the Mystery School of the Spirit in the World of Creation, Beriah
As I quoted in one of my first Posts, The Coming of the Messiah from 20/10/2022, ‘Some Messiahs appear to be completely or partially veiled from awareness of their true identity until awakened to it by a Perfect Master who has incarnated to do so, or through a supra-conscious experience of the Divine. Master Mosheh was dramatically changed by his experience of the “Burning Bush.” … The Perfect Master John baptized Master Yeshuvah in the Holy Spirit. The monk Totapuri struck the Bengali avatar Sri Ramakrishna in the center of his forehead with a sharp rock. It immediately sent him into a nirvikalpa samadhi that lasted for six months and culminated twelve years of intense spiritual practices, after which Ramakrishna commenced his activity as a World Teacher (from the web site Work of the Chariot).
On January 9, 1974, I experienced an unexpected and profound metaphysical encounter with the Spirit of Zoroaster. This event profoundly altered my life. Although I remained a dedicated follower of Master Beinsa Douno, thе connection with the Spirit of Zoroaster introduced me to a new realm of spiritual evolution – The Greater Mysteries: Schools of the Spirit in the World of Creation (in accordance with the quoted monumental scheme Fig. 81 – EVOLUTION, by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, in the Post The Mystical, Historical and Current Messiah(s) from 21.10.2022). Probably, the ‘story with Zoroaster‘ was the shock for gradual spiritual awakening of an Immanent Messiah. To have so many existential events just in one week, was a great challenge. Below I will mention some of them:
a) The announcement about my connection with the Spirit of Zoroaster; b) An appointment as a main culturologist in my professional work from the Institute on the theme “Main Tendencies in the Development of Human Culture up to the Year 2000”; c) The knowledge from the Initiatic book The Rose of the World by the great Russian mystic Daniil Andreev that The great spirit man who was known in his past incarnation as Zoroaster leads the creation of what I would dare to call the “great drawing” of the Rose of the World. (D. Andreev, The Rose of the World, Moscow 2000, p. 133); d) Getting familiar with the teaching of Rudolf Steiner about the incarnation of Zoroaster’s Spirit in the young Jesus; e) Encouragement by the Invisible World to achieve Zoroaster’s Nirvana by dissolving into the Universal Light of Ahura Mazda.
Amazingly, at the beginning of March 1974, perhaps in order to pass some existential and metaphysical exams, I was told by the Invisible World that I had to prepare myself for attaining a new type of Nirvana – Zoroaster’s Nirvana. For this purpose, I had to go to a special place on the sacred Bulgarian Mountain Rila, to the mountain house of Yastrebetz, (which I had not visited before), for March 22. In general, I knew the direction, but on March 22 Rila Mountain is still practically covered in snow. Nevertheless, I was relaxed within and started my journey with good confidence. Interestingly enough, all the way to the place, I was supported by the Invisible World, which manifested itself in amazing coincidences and quite a few special circumstances. I spent in this place more than a week surrounded by friends, incredible mountain beauty and wonderful spiritual feelings and thoughts. In March 1974 I did not achieve Zoroaster’s Nirvana, but even the preliminary stages of this sublime state of consciousness were staggering.
Many years later I did experience something like Zoroaster’s Nirvana. It happened at an amazing spiritual event which took place on the July 11, 2003 in our Summer Assembly on the Rila mountain. We had a wonderful Sunrise ceremony and after breakfast ascended to the Plateau around the Fifth Lake. At a very picturesque point on the Plateau, I had a staggering mystical vision: I linked mystically with the Cosmic-spiritual Sun at the centre of the Universe, experiencing dazzling light and witnessing a miraculous phenomenon. To my great amazement, the Cosmic-spiritual Sun started to approach the Earth, increasing enormously in size, and then withdrew; in a similar way as the Sun in the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, the Cosmic-spiritual Sun started “dancing”. It was radiating the creative Light of G-d, which manifested as Divine Spirit encompassing the Earth. It is difficult to describe all the thoughts and feeling which I felt, but I could well identify this Cosmic-spiritual Sun, in Zoroastrian terms, with the essence of Ahura Mazda.
In his Second Coming, Zoroaster will reveal the mysteries of Ahura Mazda and will establish the Kingdom of Light on Earth forever. Then the dualism of Good and Evil will be replaced by a celebration of the Good! The essence of Ahura Mazda is the Light of the Cosmic-spiritual Sun at the Centre of the Universe which never sets, and when we merge with this Light, we enter into Zoroastrian Nirvana of Light and merge with the Great Spirit of Zoroaster. Then Zoroaster appears from the heavenly worlds as the inner guide of our Souls and Spirits.
In accordance with the Mystery School of the Spirit (in the Kabbalistic World of Creation), the participants have to awaken their Divine Self, ascend to the highest Divine World and merge ultimately with the CREATOR, the Father-Mother of Creation. Thus, they are transforming the Path of the Soul into a devoted “celestial pilgrimage”. This is the embarkment on the Path of the Initiate, where gradually they could achieved the state of cosmic consciousness called CHAYA by merging with Metatron.
The Divinely inspired style of life of the participants in the Mystery School of the Spirit will result in co-creation with G-d. It is only through the miracle of co-creation with G-d that we can completely unfold the Divine potential of our higher Selves. Moreover, co-creation with G-d is the way in which we can express the uniqueness of our spirits ‘printed’ in us from the beginning of our evolution. By becoming co-creators with G-d, each Initiate receives a unique mission in the great apocalyptic process of recreation of the world, as mediator between Heaven and Earth, a devoted Divine worker for a new solar civilisation and helper for the spiritual rebirth of humankind. Thus, by merging and co-creating with G-d, the Initiates not only write their names in the Book of the Living, but also become Reborn from the Living God.
Here it is important to emphasise that in the transcendental World of Creation one could merge with the Cosmic Body of a Divine Master and become one with Him/Her. This does not mean that the person is an incarnation of this Divine Master on Earth – it simply indicates that one ’dissolves’ in the cosmic aura of the Divine Masters and could see the world from their perspective. In order to build my spiritual bodies, the Invisible World helped me to merge with such great Divine Masters as Zoroaster, Moses, Orpheus, Buddha, Plato, Pythagoras, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Ramakrishna, the Master Beinsa Douno, as well as inspiring Personifications of the Divine Mother (some of them I could describe in latest Posts). So, merging with Divine Masters, for instance with the Spirit of Zoroaster did not mean that I was an incarnation of Zoroaster. It simply directed me to see the world through ‘his eyes’, in his cosmic aura. In this way all my connections with the Divine Masters became great metaphysical existential stories and helped me to enter in their spiritual worlds, thus developing my own spiritual bodies.
Each connection with a Divine Master was absolutely unique and helped me to build one or another body. They were sometimes existential stories, other times – ‘cosmic-spiritual romances’, deep mystical experiences and so on. Many of them are described, in much greater detail, in my autobiographical book On the Path of Enlightenment and in the book New Heaven, New Earth, New Humankind, which came as a result of the collective work of our International Spiritual Group. Here it is important also to emphasise that I linked with the cosmic aura of the Divine Masters preparing the new coming Heavenly-Jerusalem cosmic cycle, so their cosmic vibrations were printed in the development of my spiritual bodies (For the essence of the spiritual bodies in human beings, please see the Post Exodus and Spiritual Transformation of the Human Beings from November 13, 2022).
My spiritual and metaphysical journey in the Mystery School of the Spirit lasted seven years. After this I had to ‘take’ three important exams: a) Twenty-four days complete fasting; b) Writing the ‘diploma’ – Transformation of the Earthly Culture into a Celestial Culture and c) Commitment to G-d by transcending my ego-personality!