Josia Nakash
Founder, Good Vibe Agency

The True Role of the Startup Nation

7 Billion people with so many different interests, how can we organize them all in a sustainable manner? We need a place that anyone in the world can access instantly to connect to a human network focused on upgrading human life. That’s what the Internet should have been used for, but we got distracted. Israel has a key role in this process. I wrote to Jack Ma about it right after his epic visit here.

I love learning that there are many other people out there like me focused on how technology can truly make our world better. I’m not talking about the incredible “green” innovation that will help create more food and sustainable communities in Africa; the VR, 3D and whole new level of immersive gaming / entertainment / sports solutions that will change our perception of reality; projects like Google’s new wired city that it’s building in Toronto; or all the AI solutions that will truly change many aspects of our life.

I’m talking about those people focused on the core issue we need to deal with — upgrading human relations. With all the conflict and unrest we are seeing in so many parts of the world, governments will soon need to provide incentives that encourage positive human behavior. They will need to have a means to gauge and rank human behavior, and reward instances of good human relations. China’s new social credit system is interesting, but it’s mainly for cracking down on offenders rather than truly improving humans.

Companies and corporations focused on the future have discovered the need to invest heavily in nurturing positive environments to create a genuine family atmosphere, which employees are highly motivated to be part of and contribute to. A classic example is how Gravity employees chipped in to buy their CEO Dan Price a Tesla because he raised all salaries to $70K. He put his values before everything and they will never forget it. Conscious companies are actually on the rise now as consumers pay more attention to things like corporate values.

Successful Jewish Entrepreneurs

It is not by chance that WeWork, the communal office space provider, has been so successful. It harnesses everything good about Israeliness to spread kibbutz values of sharing and community, and takes great pride in bringing people together. Adam Neumann, the Israeli entrepreneur who founded WeWork, is an authentic leader who is really focused on the human side of things.

Douglas Rushkoff is another serial entrepreneur who is very much focused on the human side of things with his Team Human concept. As a VC he has a whole operation in place for helping local startups in Colorado succeed and somehow made it into a whole community effort. I found that pretty cool.

Jewish Cloud Nation

However the most brilliant concept we’ve seen so far is focused on leveraging Jewish values to create a virtual Jewish Cloud Nation, where all Jews are responsible for one another.

I love the way this goes straight to the heart of the matter, which is all about arranging society in a way that we are concerned for one another, “But if you have a Jewish cloud nation, suddenly you can have unity, of people working together, discussing together, voting together, sharing their wealth together, with cloud national insurance.” (Sophia Globe). This is precisely the model society that Israel needs to start building, according to values Israelis must apply to their daily life and teach the rest of the world.

“We’re trying to do Tikkun Olam (a concept in Judaism meaning ‘repair of the world’)…we’re trying to show others how to do these kinds of things, to repair the world, how to create cloud nations. If it works, anyone and everyone can come and take the code and use it for themselves.” (Israeli futurist, Roey Tzezana)

It’s interesting that this idea was conceived by futurist Roey Tzezana of Israel, who completely understands that this is the most effective thing Israel can do to improve the state of the world. And he stresses everywhere that it has nothing to do with religion, and the goal is not to separate Jews from the rest of the world. Anyone that wants to live according to these values of sharing and being concerned for one another can join.

We have a duty to elevate the world to function in a perfectly moral way, where rather than compete with one another for resources, we compete at being good to others.

Israel Must Educate The World

In order to build this new virtual country that ultimately all humans will belong to one day, people will need to be educated about how to get along above the human ego. This is not the old-fashioned kind of education with people sitting and listening to a teacher, but is rather conveyed through a series of highly engaging social activities and games.

The most important elements in this process involve understanding that we are driven by our egos, and that it’s possible for us to connect and manage our lives at a higher level where we can all get along.

Since this doesn’t come naturally we can do it through role playing, and even do it artificially (yes, fake it) until it becomes second nature and feels natural. It’s not a knowledge-based type of education but rather a human bonding experience that leaves a person wanting more.

This connection method that Israel must share with the world is especially received well by young adults, who understand that the world we have created will not make them happy.

Humanity can no longer wait for the ideal conditions to begin this process of educating all of society, it must begin right now with people who have plenty of free time. Governments can make participating in connection activities and events a condition to receiving welfare. People in old age homes, on army bases, housewives and anyone in a group framework, can benefit from this method right now.

The following is an example of connection circles we did in Tel Aviv with young adults from Europe and the US:

Connecting In Israel With Open Hearts

After suffering for years and not finding answers, Jesse Bogner was lucky to discover a method for generating happiness and is now focused on sharing it with others. These circles are a powerful tool for enhancing human connections in a profound and meaningful way. This is right on the Dolphinarium beach in Tel Aviv.#israel #happiness

Posted by The Egotist on Monday, June 27, 2016

Calling All Jews

What do we need to ask forgiveness for this Yom Kippur? Only one thing. That we are not yet sharing this vital method of connection with the world. That is the only thing the world really needs from us more than anything else, and the only way to relieve the escalating anti-Semitism we are seeing in the US and Europe. Jews are constantly searching for the best way to balance two elements inside us — the good that we strive for, and the bad we were designed with. They are both there and will always be there, we just need to find the middle line.

What About Israel’s Role as a Technology Provider?

At the end of the day all the high-tech development and science is being used for us to harm one another, to control others and not for enhancing human connections. Since nature is an integral system, it’s clear we are getting closer to the bad elements inside us rather than striving for good. We can see that our life has not improved.

Therefore, if we don’t correct man’s nature, then of course we won’t see a good future. With all due respect to technology and science, everything is riding on man’s nature. So alongside all this innovation we need to be investing in the education of all humans. We need to teach ourselves how to use all this new technology properly, for the sake of man and the world. The internet is filled with examples of how nature exists in complete harmony, and we can use all of that to push us in the right direction. We need to strive to advance forward together in the right direction. And we need each other to succeed.

Feedback from people who experienced Israel’s connection method in Florence:

People Connecting in Florence

" Why do you think there is so much suffering in the world? " was one of the questions in our workshop in #Florence, and it really got people thinking. Special thanks to Jordan Lee and all of you for your kind words.Another stunning clip by our friend Carlo Frescobaldi with testimonials about The Egotist and the workshop we do.

Posted by The Egotist on Saturday, December 17, 2016


About the Author
Josia Nakash made Aliya from Canada at the age of 12 on a 28-foot Cape Dory sailboat. She loves sharing all the good Israel has to offer the world. Josia has a BA in International Relations and Political Science. She was the IDF's second female sniper instructor and is a top marketing consultant and copywriter.
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