This Year In Jerusalem! Minn. Rep. Drazkowski’s Confirmation IRS Now Has Omar Tax Fraud Evidence In Their Hands
Now that we are in our final week of preparation for the Jewish High Holidays, we are all wondering what type of year we are facing. Given the fact it will be 2020 on the English Calendar – the year of “Perfect Vision”. Since a person with 20/20 vision is considered to see clearly without the need for any corrective lenses. Perhaps all the bad and confusing things happening now are going to suddenly clear up and the road ahead will be much easier to navigate.
I also have a few questions to ask. But before I do, please take a look at the link appearing at the bottom of this Blog-
This shows not one but two shocking videos of gangs of youths beating up individuals on the streets of Minneapolis. Yes, Minneapolis, the same city where after the 1987 and 1991 World Series when the Twins were victorious, reporters would comment that they saw very little signs of physical damage to property after the Metrodome emptied and people streamed onto the street in jubilation of the Twins World Championships.
In one year, the St. Louis Cardinals were the opponent, and so that leads me onto my questions-
In this year, 2019, we have seen the St. Louis Blues win the Stanley Cup for the first time. Hockey rules state that any player committing a penalty spends time in the Penalty Box. Correct?
This year, we also saw the tragedy of a homeless man going into a Sukkah, of a nearly 120 year Shul in Duluth, Minnesota and light a fire that resulted in the destruction of the whole Adas Israel Synagogue. The man is now spending time in a St. Louis county jail waiting for trial. Correct?
And now we have Minnesota State Rep. Steve Drazkowski asking for another investigation into false documentation that Congresswoman Omar, representing Minnesota’s Fifth district including St. Louis Park, supplied. This time it involves the filing of her tax returns. The first investigation was directed to Drazkowski’s Rep. in Congress, and no action was taken the last I heard. In fact, the Rep. told Drazkowski to “Do It Yourself”. {See a previous Blog}.
To provide some factual evidence from the IRS to the above statement, Rep. Drazkowski, who appears in the video below, also sent the following tweet on Sept. 5-
The IRS now has the Ilhan Omar tax fraud evidence in their hands. …
So isn’t there something drastically wrong with all of this?
Isn’t there anything, President Trump, Congress, the Supreme Court or any other high ranking government body can do to demand she answers questions regarding her marriage and family history?
Well I guess the way things have been going, it seems that is a silly question to ask.
Well may I then give all American Jews a suggestion. If that is what the American Judicial System has become, then you have some serious thinking to do.
There is no justification for her to remain in her seat when she is not doing her job looking after the people within her district. It’s as simple as that.
And the fact that she is still allowed to comment on the Israeli elections while refusing to say one word on the beatings you see in the video below is downright disgusting.
So if this will continue to be the case then maybe all American Jews can consider the following
I, a native Minnesotan, am now also an Israeli having spent more than 22 years in this country flowing with milk and honey. (We read this phrase just this past week in the Torah).
Our family came without knowing-
the language,
where we would live,
what schools our children would go to,
how myself and my wife would make a living to support ourselves.
But at the end it has all worked out and despite the challenges we are happy we have made the move.
Nothing like Nefesh B Nefesh existed at the time, it was all clearly in G-d’s hands and we are grateful to Hashem.
So my message to you, is, in my opinion, is similar to the situation facing me, when three melachim hijacked me, in my Johannesburg driveway at gunpoint. The message Hashem was sending me is that it was time to take my family and make Aliyah. Please see a previous Blog for all the details.
I know this does not apply to the vast majority of you, but to those of you who it does apply to, who have been thinking about making Aliyah, perhaps this Blog will give you the courage to start the process. Especially if you share my views about Omar and the disinterest of Congress to silence her for her refusal to discuss her family or marriage history .
And then before the final Shofar blows on Yom Kippur, while you are saying with the congregation –
Chativa v Chasima Tova¬ification_source=pushcrew_rss