“To be or not to be?” Shakespeare got it right!
The question of existence, “To be or not to be?” is part of our daily (and nightly) reality. The kidnapping of the three boys and now the death of the Israeli teen along the Syrian border has amplified the voices questioning and declaring the state of our existence; individually and as a nation.
What never ceases to amaze me, from a purely psychological perspective, is that we are even able to ask that question. Don’t take it for granted. Just being able to ask that question proves we’re human. This is what separates us from the rest of the animal world. While all life forms do what they can to survive (what happens when they don’t is an important discussion for a future article) we, humans, are reflective about it. We think, write, paint, dance and sing about it.
Our ability to imagine is one of the most valuable tools we humans have.
One of the most important tools we have at our disposal and often sits rusting in our tool box is the ability to imagine. Sometimes, the decision we have to make in the moment is seen as directly related to our ability to imagine, to keep on going; to be or not to be.
All dreams are an important form of communication.
Shakespeare also wrote, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on…” Our ability to dream is directly connected with our ability to be. Now for those cynics out there, yes, even the nightmares count because those nightmares, like any dreams, are an important form of communication for us. All dreams tell a story and listening to the messages can be difficult at times, but still very meaningful.
Each of us gets to a point where they “can’t imagine”. That is when a connection with something or someone is so important. As long as we are engaged, relating, and communicating, we are in the potential of being.