To Know G-d
The theme of the Book of Shemot is the the idea of learning to “know Hashem.” Part of our service of G-d, is to try to get closer and closer to Him, so that we are able to understand more about the Creator.
Pharoah made the fatal mistake of saying, “I do not know Hashem, and I will not let the people go.” The plagues are prefaced with the statement that, “Now the Egyptians will know that I am G-d.”
Pharoah’s arrogance and stubbornness was so great, that his free will was taken from him. The Rambam wrote that based on what was done to Pharoah, the same is true for other evil doers.
When people are so steeped in sin, they come to a point when they cannot get out of their state of evil. They are destined for suffering and punishment because of their arrogance.
Our job is to use our free will on the right way. We have many paths that we could choose. We are urged to choose life and good over evil. It is only then that we will be able to “know G-d.”