To whiskey neat and messy hair and other daily miracles
A toast, if I may to this Sweet New Year:
To whiskey neat and messy hair. To laughing til you’re torn in two, with tears rolling down your cheeks. To tasting them as they fall, sweet and salty, you.
To strong coffee, and stronger friends.
To yellow flowers that make you smile.
To the fruits of of this earth that change with each season: To pomegranates, and to clementines; to strawberries, and to mangoes.
To the bank teller who always smiles. To the barista who draws a smiley face on your latte foam. To the stranger at the grocery check-out who let you go ahead of them in line because they could see you were in a hurry.
To soft rain when the sun shines, when you look around wet and dazzled and realize: Holy shit, I’m standing in the middle of the rainbow.
To that “OMG, this is SO my song” moment when you’re stuck in traffic, or in line at the bank, or simply in an elevator and there it is, that song, YOUR song, and you just have to dance in a cosmic spiral.
To being brave when the lights go out, to finding a match or a flashlight — yes, there’s an app for that — and you can handle this no matter what.
To the children in our lives who teach us how to look for snails, or marvel at the way sun skims off the sea, or just how important an ice cream is on a hot summer day, or how a mug of hot chocolate and whipped cream is a necessity in the middle of winter.
To the cracks in our hearts left by living, to the rifts forged through pain and experience, to those spaces where the light gets in.
And to all the miracles that happen every day when you simply wait for them with your eyes and arms and heart wide open.
What are you grateful for? Please share in the comments, or message me on Facebook.