Today Is a Manifestation of Yesterday: Court of Reason vs. Court of Power
“For there to be peace, the ‘Palestinians’ will have to accept some basic realities —there is a strain within the pro-Israel community that says unless you adopt an unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel, then you’re anti-Israel.” [PM Netanyahu at a press conference with Obama in 2011]
“More jarring was Obama’s exchange with Malcolm Hoenlein, the perennial executive of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Hoenlein insisted that Israelis took risks only when they were convinced that United States stood with them. Obama, though, disagreed, recalling the eight years when Bush backed Israel unequivocally but never produced peace. [“Ally” by Michael B.Oren, Page 87]
“Ally” is the story of an enduring alliance —and of its divides—written from the perspective of a man who treasures his American identity while proudly serving the Jewish State; he has come to call home. [Michael B. Oren]. This memoir is a testament to an alliance that was and will remain vital for Americans, Israelis and the world.
The detail on Obama’s efforts towards a “new America” presents us with an understanding of today’s dysfunctional USA. On June 4, 2009, Obama met a group of Middle Eastern students in Cairo, where he passionately described his personal connections with Muslims and his conviction that “Islam is part of America.” Israelis were especially distraught by America’s support for a violent regime [Iran] that clamored for their destruction.
Unlike Obama, Netanyahu extolled the Iranian people who faced bullets in defense of democracy. Obama’s Cairo speech was extremely well crafted, although short on history. It can be read in full on “UN -The Question of Palestine.” A few pertinent items:
“The situation for the ‘Palestinian’ People is intolerable. And America will not turn our backs on the ‘legitimate Palestinian’ aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own.”
“Hamas must put an end to violence, recognize past agreements, recognize Israel’s right to exist.” Really?
“The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop.”
“And Israel must also live up to its obligation to ensure that ‘Palestinians can live and work and develop their society. Just as it devastates ‘Palestinian’ families, the continuing humanitarian crisis in Gaza does not serve Israel’s security; neither does the continuing lack of opportunity in the West Bank.”
Apparently Obama was not as well schooled as his admirers realize. In contemporary times the US and Israel have assumed a center stage position. The good, bad and ugly among them have memorized the media, primarily to the Left.
A few questions. Who or what are ‘Palestinians’? Apparently Obama did not suffer from amnesia, as on March 21, 2013 he addressed the Jerusalem International Convention Center in Jerusalem.
After the pleasantry and praises, Obama waxes the bottom line——-“So, in Israel, we see values that we share, even as we recognize what makes us different. That is an essential part of our bond.—————-Strong and principled diplomacy, is the best way to ensure that the Iranian Government forsakes nuclear weapons.. Peace is far more preferable to war.———–
Iran must not get a nuclear weapon.—–Meanwhile, ‘Palestinians’ must recognize that Israel will be a Jewish state and that Israelis have the right to insist upon their security. Israelis must recognize that continued settlement activity is counterproductive to the cause of peace and that an independent ‘Palestine’ must be viable with real borders that have to be drawn.
Now, 4 years ago, I stood in Cairo in front of an audience of young people; politically, religiously, they must seem a world away.”
To fully comprehend the foregoing, one has to be familiar with a gross misnomer, the word ‘Palestinian’. Less understood, and not derivative from Philistine. The Philistines were an ancient people that ceased to exist in antiquity. The name “Palestine” is related to the Ancient ‘Peleshet’ of the Bible, but the Palestinian people are not descended from the Philistines, who were invaders from the sea.
During the Iron Age, 2 related Israelite kingdoms, Israel and Judah, controlled much of Palestine, while the Philistines occupied its southern coast. From Rabbi Doron Perez book, “The Jewish State” Chapter 4, Page 38, we read,” The ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Moabites, and Canaanites are no longer. This was also the fate of the Philistines of old, who were conquered by Sancheriv and since the 6th century BCE disappeared as a people from the annals of human history. Hence the name of their land, Philistia, or Palestine in English also no longer appeared on the map of nations.”
“Almost eight hundred years later, the Roman Emperor Hadrian revived the name ‘Palestine’ as the Latin adaption of Philistia in the aftermath of the Bar Kochva rebellion. The name lay dormant for many centuries and was given a new life by the British in 1917 as this land became known as the British Mandate of Palestine.”
Richard Mather’s, “So-called Palestinians have no history in Israel—except as terrorists”, appeared on January 7, 2017. His mastery of history, despite some humor is vast. Consider his introduction:
“Until it is acknowledged by the UN and other bodies that the Jewish people and not the Arabs are the indigenous inhabitants of Eretz Israel, it is going to be difficult to break the impasse of anti-Jewish prejudice that is the real obstacle to peace.”
Mather draws attention to the year 1714 when Hadriani Relandi published a book recording his 1695-96 trips to Eretz Israel. On his travels he surveyed around 2,500 places that were mentioned in the Tanakh and Mishna. For a start, he discovered that not a single settlement in Eretz Israel had a name that was of Arabic origin. Instead the names were derived from Hebrew, Roman and Greek languages.
Relandi was not alone in discovering the lack of Muslims in the Land of Israel and points to demographer Roberto Backs estimate of 151,000 non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine in 1540.
Mather asks the question, “What happened to the Arab invaders of 629 CE? There were very few of the invaders who actually stayed in Palestine. All the evidence points to the conspicuous absence of Arab culture in late 17th century Palestine; and even in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Arab inhabitants were not indigenous, but were latecomers.
Perhaps, a more important question is where was Islam when King David ruled? Jerusalem was the capital of the Land of Israel over 3,000 years ago, in King David’s time. Islam only came into being about 1,400 years ago. Hence, only Israel can claim being indigenous to the Land.
As further evidence of Israeli claims, The Algemeiner published, “We Never Left: The Jews’ Continuous Presence in the Land of Israel by Lee S. Bender and Jerome R. Verlin on September11, 2016. In the body of this paper, we read:
“Palestine of today [1922], the land we know as Palestine, was peopled by the Jews from the dawn of history until the Roman era. It is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. They were driven from it by force by the relentless Roman military machine and for centuries prevented from returning. At different periods various alien people succeeded them, but the Jewish race had left an indelible impress upon the land.
Today it is a Jewish country. Every name, every landmark, every monument and every trace of whatever civilization remaining there is still Jewish. And it has ever since remained a hope, a longing, as expressed in their prayers for these nearly 2,000 years. No other people have ever claimed Palestine as their national home. No other people has ever shown an aptitude or indicated a genuine desire to make it their homeland.”
James Parkes explained its importance to remind the world that Jews never left Israel. He cites the Talmudic Age, Crusader Rule, the Mamluks, 400 years of Ottoman Turk rule.
Next question. What do the “Palestinians” want? Khaled Abu Toameh says on July 12, 2011 and, “Palestinians Cannot Accept Less than 100%.” He points to division of two camps, one that is radical and another that is less radical-or “moderate”. The radical camp is headed by Hamas and other extremist groups such as the Islamic Jihad organization.
To that end, Israel was engaged in wars in 2012, 2014, 2021 and 2023. With current developments, we cannot ignore the wars in Lebanon.
However, one item which is heavily distorted is Israel’s role in the Gaza war. Largely forgotten is the fact that Israel was not responsible for its commencement. In the numerous judgments made, it is rare to find a news title such as, “Jerusalem Post Editor: Harris Poses Existential Threat to Israel” by Martin Oliner on August 11, 2024. This editorial is rather lengthy, making it difficult to summarize.
“Had Harris attended Netanyahu’s speech, or at least taken a few minutes to read it, perhaps she would have realized that her words were wrong, and silence would have been a much better choice.” With apologies, a condensed summary follows.
“On July 25, I had the honor and privilege of attending Prime Mister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spectacular speech to Congress. He beatifically articulated the tremendous threats Israel is facing, the historical connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, the sensitivity of the current situation, and how far Israel goes to prevent harm to civilians—beyond what any army has ever done in history.”
Oliner speaks about the VP of the US who made a point of not attending and should have been sitting on the dais behind Netanyahu at Congress to demonstrate her commitment to America’s top ally.
At a later meeting with the PM, she could not restrain herself and became extremely caustic. She expressed her “serious concern” about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including “the death of far too many innocent civilians” and alleged that over two million people faced high levels of food insecurity and half a million people facing catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity. She winds on endlessly.
“Her sympathy is not with Israel, but with the people of Gaza, who invaded Israel on October 7 murdered 1,200 people, kidnapped more than 250, and raped numerous people of all ages.
On to the present. As reported in the Guardian of 4-3-2024, US vice-president Kamala Harris has bluntly called out Israel for not doing enough to ease a” humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza as the Biden administration faces increasing pressure to rein in its close ally while it wages war with Hamas. Harris speaking in Selma Alabama called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and urged Hamas to accept a deal to release hostages in return for a 6-week cessation of hostilities.
Directing the bulk of her comments at Israel in what appeared to be the sharpest rebuke yet by a senior leader in the US government over the conditions in the coastal enclave. “People in Gaza are starving. The conditions are inhumane and our common humanity compels us to act.—The Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid. No excuses.”
Harris said Israel must open new border crossings, not impose “unnecessary restrictions” on aid delivery, protect humanitarian personnel and convoys from becoming targets, and work to restore basic services and promote order so that “more food, water and fuel can reach those in need.” Is she insane or plain ignorant?
While Israel can be seen engaging these practices, war is war!!
Trevor Loudan is a New Zealand author, speaker, political activist, and blogger. He was vice president of ACT New Zealand, a classical liberal and right –liberation political party from 2006 to 2008.
He states that Kamala Harris has “extensive” communist ties. Friends, I have conducted painstaking research into Kamala Harris, the “presumed “Democratic presidential nominee. My findings reveal that Kamala Harris has extensive communist ties… As a political commentator, I have written numerous articles about Kamala Harris, detailing activities when she was previously a presidential and vice presidential candidate. The evidence is clear. Kamala Harris is deeply connected to communist ideologies and individuals.
A few of his articles:
[1] Why is No One [Except the President] Calling out Kamala Harris’ Communist Ties?
[2] Harris and the Communists who hate us-Audio.
[3] Trevor Loudon offers a detailed history of Kamala Harris and the Communists who hate us –Audio and transcript.