Together Again – a beautiful collection of short stories
Charles H. Freundlich’s book “Together Again” is wonderful. I am a huge fan of him. If I were younger and lived where he was a rabbi, I would rush on Shabbat mornings to his synagogue to hear his sermons and on weekday nights to listen to his lectures. I know only about a half dozen rabbis whose synagogues I would want to visit. His is one of them.
I read, reviewed, and enjoyed each of his ten books and praised them. This is no exception.
The first of his seven tales is the true story of his early life. It is very well-written and emotional. It reflects his warm personality. The following six are fictions that address significant issues that confront Judaism. Freundlich addresses them with clarity, intelligence, sympathy, and consideration. They are fascinating, eye-opening, and thought-provoking.
The second focuses on the problem that the very religious in Israel are not participating in aiding the country and are living off of the country’s charity. The third looks at how to solve family problems. The fourth examines whether the study of the Talmud is taught improperly (I think it is). The fifth analyses parents reuniting with children who were angry with them. The sixth deals with how to interact with people with seemingly untraditional ideas. The last shows that happiness can be found in the most unlikely places, even in the Western movie “Shane” and the comedy “Groundhog Day.” For the truth is the truth, no matter what its source.