Jonathan Davis

Tribute to Joseph Gitarts z”l

Yesterday afternoon, Reichman University and the Raphael Recanati International School somberly gathered to bid farewell to Sergeant First-Class Joseph Gitarts z”l, an exceptional computer science student who valiantly served in the Tank Corps. The funeral ceremony was marked by solemnity and dignity, featuring an Israeli flag-draped casket and a ceremonial honor guard paying tribute with volleys.

Joseph, a courageous tank driver under his company commander, exhibited unwavering dedication to duty on the battlefield. A new generation Israeli, he embodied the spirit of Zionism and love for his country, expressing these sentiments on numerous occasions. Beyond his military service, Joseph excelled as a top student at Reichman University, showcasing academic brilliance and intellectual ability.

Professor Yaacov Hel-Or, Dean of the Efi Arazi School of Computer Science, remembers Joseph as an inquisitive student, consistently ranking among the top in class. His thirst for knowledge extended beyond class hours, engaging in discussions with professors about various aspects of the material. Joseph’s classmates, recognizing his excellence, elected him as their class representative, highlighting his popularity.

In a letter for acceptance to the Upstart Entrepreneurial Program at Reichman University, Joseph conveyed his passion for biotechnology and his desire to contribute to improving the quality and duration of human life. His vision extended to combining academic research in Computer Science with Entrepreneurship, aiming to make a positive, lasting and meaningful impact on the world.

The tragic loss of Joseph has touched many at the university, with members of the English division of the university debating team, deeply affected by his absence, sought guidance on how to proceed. Reflecting on their experiences with Joseph, they shared heartfelt memories and expressed their grief.

Joseph’s legacy at Reichman University is one of valor and intellect, embodying the university’s spirit of “Freedom and Responsibility.”, a term coined originally by Founding President of the University, Prof. Uriel Reichman, who together with Oudi Recanati, Chancellor of Reichman University, attended the funeral, along with the dedicated team of the Raphael Recanati International School and University staff, students, and faculty.

As we bid farewell to this remarkable young man, may Joseph Gitarts’ memory be a blessing, and may he rest in peace.

About the Author
Jonathan Davis is head of the international school at Reichman University (formerly the IDC) and vice president of external relations there. He is also a member of the advisory board of the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism. Mr. Davis also serves as a Lieutenant Colonel (Res) in the IDF Spokesman’s office.