Beverley Price

VOUS ÊTES bds – Bleaching Discourse Semantics

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They appropriated our lives with sublime deception, jihadism and islamism and revised them.

They appropriated our Jewish suffering in The Holocaust and revised that.

They appropriated our Jewish history and revised that.

They appropriated our Jews in South Africa and revised them.

They appropriated the biblical commitment to the Jews of the land Israel and revised that.

They appropriated our Zionism and revised that.

They appropriated racism and revised that.

They appropriated Apartheid and revised that. 

They appropriated the minds of South African government members and of academics and revised them.

They appropriated our university campuses and revised them.

They appropriated the meaning of words and language and revised them.

They appropriated humour  and supported blood.

They appropriated Jesus’s origins and revised those.

They invited leila kahled to our country, a role-model hijacker-terrorist, and revised our youth.

Following the dictates of their universal  affiliates, They  appropriated our post-apartheid development and ubuntu*, ambushing South Africans  with the rest of the Planet,  towards a barren and savage wilderness.

*a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity.

About the Author
Beverley Price grew up in apartheid SA, lived in Baka, Jerusalem studied in London, is a jewellery artist interested in the pre-colonial South African goldsmiths at Mapungubwe (900-1300 ACE). She lived for three years in rural KwaZulu-Natal (Ixopo ) after her return to SA in 1995 where she had her studio and learned to speak Zulu and more about the Zulu culture. As with many South African Jews, her mother is Polish and her late father was Lithuanian. She loves her sister-in-law, brothers, nephews, nieces and their children. She studied at Pardes in Jerusalem from 1983-1985.
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