Waking Up Disrupted
It was something
but it happened.
Some of my thoughts
were always pretty clear
and now are very foggy
in daily turns of existence.
Political reflections change
as the mirror tells me
that probably I had it
I am happy to admit that.
And yet, I am also worried
of where to turn as I clearly
do not know.
Suddenly waking up
with disrupted ingredients
of that multi-layered cake
that is now all over burnt.
Perhaps the heat was too high,
but I was following a recipe
with crystal directions of a chef
I have once respected.
Perhaps it is the realisation
of having to accept
that what I should do
is not always what I dream.
Perhaps it is all just a street sign
to show that I have been a bit naive
when opening the corners of ‘me heart’
while closing the roads of ‘me brain’.
I don’t know.
I am still struggling with these feelings,
and the gap is certainly taking me further
than what I would have ever thought.