Marc Daniels

Weeding Out Hate Throughout the World

There is no ceasefire that can possibly last until we all learn to transform our inner ecology. The symbolic act of rooting out a weed in the garden and then replenishing it with a seed of peace, can work at the grassroots level. Here are just a few examples of our global activities…. from Springfield, the Land of Lincoln, to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C, to Berlin, Germany, and beyond.   For the past four years, I have been lobbying the White House for a globally televised Weed Out Hate event, in which the First Family would call upon every child in the world to root out a symbolic weed of hatred.  America has so much positive symbolism…. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., respected around the world.

Courtesy National Park Service
Courtesy National Park Service

What is interesting about the concept is that it is rooted in the deepest Judaic roots of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Christian rhetoric….the Wisdom of Abraham if you will.

Image Courtesy Adrian Harden
Image Courtesy Adrian Harden
Courtesy U.S. Embassy Berlin
Courtesy U.S. Embassy Berlin


Image Courtesy Illinois office of Governor Pat Quinn
Image Courtesy Illinois office of Governor Pat Quinn


Image Courtesy of the National Park Service
Image Courtesy of the National Park Service
Image Courtesy of U.S. Embassy Berlin
Image Courtesy of U.S. Embassy Berlin
About the Author
As the eldest grandson of Ross Daniels, the inventor of a horticultural irrigation tool for deep watering and feeding at the deepest roots, Marc spent the first half of his career learning about global gardening and gardener's trends. Ten years ago, he began thinking about how to take his grandfather's vision to the next level, for inspiring humanity to weed out hate and sow the seeds of peace through spiritual gardening.