What will happen to Gaza when Israel gets all the hostages back?
Gaza, a land promised to Israelites by God and a part of David’s kingdom of Israel, should belong to the State of Israel.
What will happen to Gaza when Israel will get all of hostages, alive or dead, back?
In the article published a year ago I was describing the countries that were defeated during WWII and demonstrated how they managed to pull through after the loss and, at the end, flourish. Both countries, Germany and Japan, accepted their defeat unconditionally and followed the directions and recommendations of the occupying powers. Both crushed nations produced leaders who were able to navigate the treacherous and unpredictable time in their country’s existence on the way to social, pollical l and economic revival. It has also mentioned the name of the President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, as an example of the Arab leader who overcame the hatred of Jews and politics of rejection of existence of the State of Israel and who accepted peace with Israelis. In conclusion the article was asking a question: can Gaza produce a similar leader with a vision of peace and cooperation with Israel?
Not too much changed for the last year in the mentality of the population of Gaza and soon they will face the challenge to choose new leadership and the way of life. It worthwhile to remind that the population of Gaza has elected Hamas as their leadership on January 25, 2006.
The people of Gaza, accordingly to surveys conducted by agencies friendly to the Palestinians, approves the Hamas attack on October 07, 2023 by high percentage. At the present, more than a year after the invasion by Hamas, Israel has won the war with the terrorist organization but, as of now, Hamas is still not eliminated. The ceasefire is in effect for six weeks with the first phase of the agreement outlining that Hamas to release 33 hostages and the terrorists are receiving in return numerous numbers of Palestinians released from Israeli’s prisons.
After all hostages will be released by Hamas (let’s pray and pray) and the status of Hamas is finalized, the same people, who were occupying Gaza before and during the Hamas’s invasion on October 7, 2023, are continue to represent the population of Gaza.
There is no hope for peace with current mentality of people of Gaza. Several generations of Gazans grew up on Hamas’s propaganda of hatred of Jews and were continuously under indoctrination of the children in the kindergartens and schools. It is unrealistic and even foolish to expect that a leader like Anwar Sadat will magically appear from a group of people who despising the Jews and hate everything related to their mortal enemy, the state of Israel.
Should the population of Gaza, the collaborators of Hamas, be resettled the same way as Germans were eighty years ago, after the defeat of Germany in WWII?
When the Allies defeated Germany in WWII, at the Potsdam Conference in July and August 1945, the victors, United States, Great Britain and USSR, agree to move the Germany’s eastern border with Poland westward. The Allies also agreed to resettle ethnic Germans from central and Eastern Europe to a new German state. Roughly 14 million ethnic Germans were expelled by national governments across Eastern Europe. When Hitler rose to power in Germany he propagated the notion of a greater German national identity which appealed to many Germans living outside Germany’s borders. Many Germans collaborated with the Nazis when their countries were occupied by Germany.
Let’s take a look at another nation which was displaced, expulsed and exoduses numerous times- the Jews.
Many ethnic groups can claim they experienced difficulties and suffering before achieving security, stability and prosperity. The Jewish nation, however, is standing out in this category of calamities and hardships. It had experienced prosecution and injustice for two millennia which eventually reached the apogee of unimaginable horror when the Germans developed a plan and implemented the “final solution’ for European Jews. The scientifically advanced nation used technology to commit the unimaginable crime-the mass killings of six million plus Jews-the Holocaust. However, without the deep antagonism and hatred of Jews which permeated the populations of all countries of Europe, the Hitler’s goal of the extermination of the European Jewry would be much difficult or impossible to achieve. The reason I am mentioning the above is that many European countries are claiming high moral ground and pushing the state of Israel toward two-state solution of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They play political games how they are concern and horrified of Israeli’s aerial bombardment and IDF’s infliction of casualties in Gaza. The European countries are liable for the extermination of the European Jews the same as Germany and they do not have any moral authority to teach Israel of anything. And, if they forgot, it was Great Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) that in 1944 and 1945 totally annihilated Germany’s towns and cities with enormous civilian casualties by the aerial bombing offensive. Not that I condemn the Allies forces. Opposite, it was a war and Nazism need to be destroyed. Hitler came to power legitimately and same as Hamas was elected legitimately by Gazans. It is common sense that the nations and ethnic groups carry responsibility for their decisions.
It should be announced loudly and clear that Gaza is our ancestral Jewish land promises to Israelites by God. Gaza was a part of Kingdom of Israel in 11th century BCE and continue to be under the rule of the kingdom of Judah after the United Kingdom split in 930 BCE. it should’ve been under the sovereignty of the State of Israel now. What really motivated the Israeli politicians to voluntarily withdraw from Gaza in 2005? It still puzzles me and, probably, thousands upon thousands of Jews. Was it the pressure from the United States or was it the Israeli internal political considerations and partisan divisions? Whatever the reason of given away a piece of Israel-it is wrong and unforgivable.