What’s it about
This war is not about armies. It’s not about who has better weapons, better strategies.
It’s not about who has better public relations. It’s not about demonstrations pro and con. It’s not about which government leader says what, which Western power is sending weapons, which are holding back some or all weapons.
It’s not about pagers blowing up, clandestine terrorist meetings getting bombed, whether Iran will be hit, and where.
This war is something way beyond all that.
Of course, the above things are happening. And people everywhere are amazed at how events are developing. But the main point of it all, is much more.
This war is about G-d. And the stakes are incredibly important. Because Israel is fighting G-d’s war against tyranny and evil. A war that will cleanse the world of what goes against G-d. A war that reveals G-d, and His will. A war that brings G-d into this world, and announces to all that our G-d is a compassionate and good G-d, and He wants us to do good things, and to be compassionate.
Israel is showing the world, that they are G-d’s chosen nation, chosen to bring His light, and to teach the moral values that G-d told Moses at Mount Sinai — the seven Noahide laws — to tell it to all nations.
So that no one should steal or murder. And all will believe in the true G-d, and obey His laws.
And when, with the Almighty’s help, Israel wins this war, very soon, and as the world becomes aware of G-d’s majesty, then the world shines with a holy light, as the final Redemption with Moshiach brings eternal peace and harmony to the entire world.
May it happen very soon.