Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

When antisemitism will vanish

It’s all over. You, antisemite, are history.

What will become of you? Will you change, so that all vestiges of your hate for others will vanish?

When all the hate dissipates, when all the prejudice sinks into the ground and disappears forever, when all the bias is no more, when all the antisemitism disappears, then people will become people again.

Evil like Hamas will be destroyed. People like the antisemites in Ireland, or Amsterdam, or Melbourne, or wherever else, will become people again.

How? Because the rot will rot away. It will become nothing. And the G-dly image in which people were created, will shine.

So don’t worry, antisemite. You will change. You will see G-dliness in everything. And you will realize that antisemitism is passé, old fashioned, nothing. No substance at all.

Because the day will come, and it seems so close, when the world will shine.

A day when, as the prophet says (Isaiah 11; 9), “The entire world will be filled with awareness of G-d, just as the waters cover the sea.”

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for
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