‘When G-d is with me, I know where I have to go’
“When G-d is With Me, I Know Where I Have to Go”
(Torah Portion- Lech Lecha)
The perennial question remains,
What am I to do, for whom and when?
The response is expressed in “Lech Lecha”.
The Torah portion states, “go into yourself”.
A moral compass guided Abraham;
And by paradox, to go out of himself.
As in the Psalm, “I know that God is with me”;
And, “when God is with me I know where to go.”
How can this lesson be integrated
In thought, word and deed, in every day’s journeys,
Calling each one of us to active duty,
Often to the emergency ward of life.
The income tax of the soul demands an account,
Not yearly, but daily, without any doubt.
(The Psalm excerpt is from Psalm 56:10. The quote “ When G-d is with me, I know where to go” is from the motto of my dear mother, Dr. Lena Allen-Shore. May her memory and her acclaimed teachings, writings and songs be blessed.)