Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Where are we

Hamas is still there. Iran is still there. North Korea is still there. China eyes Taiwan. Trump eyes everyone.

Hostages still there. Coming out slowly, but too slowly. Terrorists are being freed.

Where are we? Where is the world? Where is world peace? Where is tranquillity and sanity? Where are we?

We are on the threshold of wondrous miracles. I know things are tough. There are questions. Things are hard. There’s pessimism.

But the world stands on the cusp of miraculous Redemption. Syria’s evil regime miraculously fell in days. Hezbollah fell in days. They still have some fighters, but Hezbollah was weakened unbelievably, unexpectedly, miraculously. Hamas hangs in there because they have hostages, because they have kidnapped and brainwashed Gazans. But a new era is dawning.

We are on the threshold, on the cusp of wondrous miracles. The words of the prophets ring close. Many prophets seem to be describing events that we have recently witnessed, the miracles that we have seen in recent days.

Redemption with Moshiach is very close. As we sit and watch and anticipate, we look forward to many more miracles, as G-d watches over His nation, and as the time of eternal peace for all nations seems so close.

May it happen very soon.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for