Dogan Akman

Will the UAE and Israel become the dream team of the Middle-East?

The moment I read the statement of the UAE  Minister of Foreign Affairs to the effect that the peace treaty will now make it easy  for the Emirate to buy  the F-35 planes which  it has been long seeking to purchase and was consistently rebuffed  by the US, I started to doubt the viability of the proposed  treaty.

The doubt was and remains grounded on two points, namely,

First, I could not believe that both for political and national security reasons, Israel would ever consent to the sale of the F-35s to the Emirate, and

Second, it is absurd to expect the proud King and the Crown Prince to proceed to the signing of a peace treaty with the prospective peace partner when the first thing the partner does is to slap their faces by their longstanding persistent interest in purchasing the F-35s.

In the circumstances, it is hardly surprising that the Emirate promptly cancelled indefinitely the tripartite celebratory meeting that was to be held in New York.

Personally, I very much doubt that the UAE will  seek a face saving formula or accept one proposed by Israel and/or the United States that would not include a firm agreement for the U.S. to sell them some F-35s.

In all of this, what  also struck  me is that none of the political commentators in the know who rushed to praise and celebrate the prospect of having a game-changing  new dream team in the region did not  think about  this problem.

With the UAE looking like having been suckered into negotiating this peace treaty and losing face before the other Arab countries; I very much doubt that the Emirate will sign the treaty.

In the circumstances, I very much doubt that any other Arab country whether in the Gulf or elsewhere,will seriously entertain the notion of making peace with Israel for the foreseeable future.

President Trump  invested a great deal  of his prestige to make this treaty happen and I very much doubt that he will take  kindly to Israel’s opposition to the sale of the F-35s.

In the circumstances, I very much fear that Prime Minister Netanyahu will find himself in President Trump’s dog house.

About the Author
Doğan Akman immigrated to Canada with his family. In Canada, he taught university in sociology-criminology and social welfare policy and published articles in criminology journals After a stint as a Judge of the Provincial Court (criminal and family divisions) of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, he joined the Federal Department of Justice as a Crown prosecutor, and then moved over to the to civil litigation branch . Since his retirement he has published articles in Sephardic Horizons and e-Sefarad and in an anthology edited by Rifat Bali titled "This is My New Homeland" published in Istanbul.