Kenneth Cohen

Yakov’s Treatment of Eisav

There is great debate among the Rabbis, regarding the way Yakov dealt with his brother, Eisav.

There were those who felt that he was setting an example for future generations, as to how we are to confront our enemies. But there was also a strong sentiment that Yakov humbled himself far more than he should have.

Rashi says that Yakov prepared himself in three ways for Eisav’s potential attack. These were, דורון,תפילה ומלחמה, gifts, prayers, and war. The gifts were intended to soften up Eisav, and hope that he would act more like a brother than an enemy. Prayers were certainly in order, as they are always necessary in times of need.

Others felt that Yakov should have shown more strength and resolve, and not take away his dignity before a Rasha, evil person, like Eisav. He should have followed the example of Yehoshua when he conquered Eretz Yisrael.

He approached the thirty-one kings living in Israel with three choices. They could leave Israel, become “Ger Toshav,” resident strangers, observing the Seven Noachide Laws, or make war. Thirty of the thirty one, chose war, as only the Givonim tricked Yehoshua.

Since the founding of the State of Israel, and especially in recent years, Israel has offered undeserved gifts, for the sake of peace. The Arabs could have had what they claim they wanted, but they refused.

Clearly, we are in the stage of war and prayers. The only way to defeat our enemies is through strength. With Hashem’s help and the bravery of our holy soldiers, we have seen remarkable and miraculous results.

We must continue forward to achieve real peace and security. It is obvious that our enemies are not acting as brothers. No more gifts, but only prayers and strength. With Hashem’s help, all of our enemies will fall.

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at