2014 update – garnished wages
Garnished wages Effective January 2014 the following are the updated amounts that cannot be garnished from salary (with the exception of alimony payments)according to the employee’s marital status and the number of children in higher care.
Single 2,162 shekels
Bachelor / Widower / Divorced + 1 child 3,535 shekels
Bachelor / Widower / Divorced + 2 children or more 4,400 shekels
Couple 3,243 shekels
Couple + 1 child 3,762 shekels
Couple + 2 children or more 4,281 shekels
1. If the above amounts are more than 80% of the net salary, the amount that cannot be garnished will be 80% of the salary.
2. If salary is garnished due to alimony payments, the above does not apply (all net pay is garnished).
3. The above table applies to both male and female and is written w/o intent of discrimination, for practicle purposes only.