A Call to My People! Haazinu!
After finding philosophical connections through the words of the Torah, we’ve grown to understand that nothing is new under the sun. We applied lessons from so many verses to our personal thoughts and struggles, we dove deep into the many stories of the Torah to learn from the holy characters and their choices. But what we’ve seen clearly is that Hashem is the One above Who controls everything around us and has imparted His wisdom into every concept. There is nothing we can encounter or experience that cannot take us back to Him, even in the depth of our struggles and addictions we can learn to strengthen our courage and resolve to be better people.
We have come to notice how we have grown from being simple physical creatures created on the sixth day, to becoming soul’s with meaning and purpose. We went from “Bereishit Bara Elokim Et Hashamyim V’et Ha’aretz, to, Haazinu Hashamayim Vetishma Ha’aretz.” coming to the realization that we have risen from the levels of simple earth to being a walking and talking form of Hashem roaming this earth. This is exactly what Moshe did to our nation throughout the years he led them. He showed them the ten miracles in Egypt which are akin to the ten words Hashem used to create the world. He carried us through the ten tests of the desert and gave us the ten commandments to live by.
Our perception has grown and our lives have completely changed. No longer do we get consumed by physical sadness or temptation. We may still struggle with them, but they are struggling with us as well. No longer do they have free reign over us, it is our will to be good people who are attached to Hashem that leads the way forward. We ascend beyond the physical boundaries of heaven and earth and rely completely on the direction of Hashem, accepting His will by totally trusting everything that happens around us. In our personal lives, in our communities, in the world and of course in Israel.
There are so many times we fall into questioning things that happen. We have so many opportunities for our minds to reach unhealthy conclusions, but it is our Emunah that is strong and we accept. Missiles and rockets flying in from Iran, addictions and sadness targeting our hearts, brainwashed filth spilling into our communities, relationships that need fixing, it is so easy to fall back and cry over our sorry lot, but we have learned that they are all to test us and by staying strong with conviction to our belief we will prevail. Just like the Jews who kept Shabbos during the great depression, just like those who were killed for just believing our beliefs, we too will keep this in our hearts forever.
Moshe calls upon the heavens and earth to bear witness to the covenant between us and Hashem. The sun has seen it all, since the day Adam started walking the earth until today, there has been a great battle between good and evil. A battle on our personal souls, a fight on our values and morals, and a war between the heavenly angels. These three simultaneous battles have been witnessed by the sun and earth since the dawn of time, and it is us, the children of Hashem, who are tasked with defending the bedrock of humanity. The source of light for the entire world comes from Hashem, through the walls of Yerushalyim and from the hearts of every Jewish soul.
We may read these words of Parshat Haazinu and connect to it on a surface level, but I can guarantee you that Moshe Rabbeinu hinted at everything that is yet to come. Ramban states, “This song is great, for it has now, the past, the future, the current and coming world.” All that we go through has been experienced in some shape or form, the technologies were different but the results were the same. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost. But as long as we can remember how it all began, and believe in the future to where it is all going, everything we go through and all that happens is just another test for us to wake up and return back to Him.
We have to battle our wars in the current moment and not allow history to repeat itself. We were given the rights over this world when we do His will. It is so easy to fold right now when everything piles upon us, but it is imperative to do what is right in His eyes. We are no longer cowering in the face of evil, this is our fight and we will be victorious. Nothing stands in the lion’s way when it is determined. We know what we are here to do and we will accomplish our mission, by hook or by crook. It is clear that all kinds of distractions are given to us so that we have chances to choose, and our choice is clear. In the face of terrorism, in the face of the devil himself, we will no longer falter.
It’s a tough decision to make, but once the truth is seen there are no more excuses. It is about being the person you are meant to be, according to the plan of Hashem. We will believe in Him, trust in Him, follow His path and choose His way, and all that will make us the best version of ourselves. We want to be the best person, we become principled. We want to be the pride of nations, we become principled. This is the song that is so great, the song that spans through all time and space, for it is the truth.
Who is the leader of Klal Yisrael nowadays? Who is our Moshe Rabbeinu who will unite us as one to understand the truth of the world? It is saddening to see so many of us consumed by nonsense, but it is gratifying to see how our brothers and sisters are pulling themselves away from those temptations and becoming strong in their ways. We are working together as a people until one day a star will arise, the star of David, Darach Kokav MiYaakov! One from among us will emerge as the leader and oh, how glorious of a day it will be.
Yosef fought the spiritual fight in Egypt and now is fighting the physical fight in our days in Yerushalayim. David fought the physical battles in Yerushalayim and now it is upon Yehuda to win the spiritual war around the world. Every lost soul will be redeemed and every child with holy roots will find their way back. The rise of Mashiach is the redemption of the world and you can bet on it, evil will fight as hard as it can to quiet us down or shut us up for good. History only keeps on growing, we keep breaking records, and this time we will emerge with a leader.
Moshe Rabbeinu foresaw our times, and it was his hope that his hidden words be deciphered by us. It is our code to the exit and all we have to do is be serious about it. No generation has had the ability to rise like us today, let us not rest until our mission is complete.
David Lemmer can be reached at lemmerhypno@gmail.com
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