Nicole Czarnecki

A Convertible Menorah/Hanukkiah, and An Idea

I couldn’t find a menorah-to-hanukkiah menorah. So, I got an idea. During regular Shabbatot and Chagim, use the menorah and put the one candle on the left and one candle on the right for Shabbat. For Hanukkah, use all nine regular candles. By the way:

1) L’Shabbat Shalom u’Mevorakh Tikatevu

2) Powerpoint 2003 is a handy tool for creating graphics.

The graphic altered to show the Hanukkiah
The graphic altered to show the Hanukkiah
The original graphic
The original graphic
The Hanukkiah turned into a Menorah for Shabbat
The Hanukkiah turned into a Menorah for Shabbat
About the Author
Born in the Diaspora in 1990, Nicole Czarnecki didn’t even know that she’s Jewish until about 2008. As a Jewish Christian and an aspiring olah with more of a history than she ever knew and hope for a future of which she can't even begin to dream, she aspires to help others learn from their histories and build hopeful futures for everyone whom aspires to pursue tzedek and tikkun ha’olam.
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