Andy Blumenthal
Leadership With Heart

A Day Is Coming: One G-d, One World

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I don’t know why these words are coming to me particularly today, but I feel inspired and wanted to share them with you all.

A day is coming, a day of profound revelation, when the L-rd, blessed be He, will reveal His divine presence to all of creation. Every nation on Earth will recognize the L-rd as the one true God, His holiness and unity absolute and undeniable.

On that day, the false idols and their prophets will be utterly discredited, their deceptions revealed. Those who have placed their faith in these falsehoods shall become like them that do not see, cannot hear, are unable to speak, and possess no intellect or ability to act.

The darkness of evil will be consumed, banished by the radiant light and life emanating from the Almighty. The righteous, bathed in this divine light and holiness, will flourish.

The fog of ambiguity will dissipate, replaced by the clear and unwavering word of the L-rd, known and understood by all His servants. Deceit will crumble, giving way to the steadfast strength of truth. The arrogance of the ego will melt before the transformative power of humility. The pure of heart, imbued with divine strength, will overcome the influence of those whose souls are tainted by darkness.

Through acts of charity and goodwill, we will transcend the corrosive grip of jealousy and ego. Love, the divine essence, will conquer the destructive force of hate. Healing will flow, restoring wholeness to the afflicted. The righteous strengthened in their faith, will once again walk among us, guiding and inspiring.

The earth itself will be blessed, overflowing with abundance and prosperity for all of humankind. A true and lasting peace will reign, uniting us as brothers and sisters under the divine gaze.

The presence of God will be manifest, openly dwelling among us. The divide between Heaven and Earth will dissolve, creating a sacred union. Our purpose will be clear, and our lives will be filled with boundless meaning.

In joyful service, we will stand before the holiness, the timelessness, and the infinite magnificence of the Almighty, blessed be He. In that radiant presence, all things will find their ultimate meaning and perfect harmony. We will stand as the blessed children of the Most High God, forever in His divine embrace.

About the Author
Andy Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader who writes frequently about Jewish life, culture, and security. All opinions are his own.
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