A global genocide team has assembled
Hamas propagandists know exactly what they are doing. Every move is calculated. To me, their propaganda videos of hostages send a disturbing message: ”You’re not getting most of your hostages back ever, because, by using these hostages as pawns and props, we can tear Israel apart by sowing division among you which costs us so much less and is so much more effective than sending missiles. We’re giving you false hope that you’re going to get your hostages back, we dangle them in front of you, yet just out of reach, to inflict so much psychological pain on you that you’re going to lose your minds and become easy targets.”
Now, what’s going on in Israel is a part of an interlinked, global, web of regime propaganda. A global genocide team has assembled and – with the help of useful idiots and paid puppets in the West – they want to enslave, even exterminate, anyone who has even a semblance of individualism. What useful idiots and paid puppets don’t understand is that they’ll be gone just as the rest of us after they’ve outlived their usefulness. That’s what’s tragic about them.
The recent allegations that American right-wing pundits were essentially sponsored by Russia aren’t surprising. I’m sure that they are going to claim, ”We had no idea, we’re victims of Russia, too!” The investigation into their activities and financing must be thorough and, hopefully, swift and decisive but it can’t be paranoid and prejudiced. Just the facts, please. Otherwise, we’re no better than the regimes we fight against. But promoting genocidal propaganda for money borders on treason, if it isn’t downright treason. Let the investigators uncover the truth. They are innocent until proven guilty and must be treated as such.
If found guilty of spreading genocidal propaganda for Russian money, they can be stripped of their citizenship and taken to their beloved Russia and rub shoulders with Dugin and Solovyov. I’m sure their Russian is fluent (not).
Tucker Carlson is drawing huge crowds. He used to talk about UFOs and other intriguing topics. I liked that Tucker Carlson. Sadly, now, knowingly or not, he’s spreading Russian propaganda at an alarming rate and not letting other voices be heard. He has a huge, huge platform (he’s extremely successful, no matter what we want to think about his style) which makes all the other voices either irrelevant or barely heard, and that makes him the darling of Russia.
We really could see Russian propagandists prancing around the White House in the near future.
Not that many VIPs have the clout, or the will, to counter Carlson and that, dear reader, is a tragedy-in-the-making for my region of the world, and possibly for Israel, because Russian propaganda spreads like wildfire ”thanks” to Carlson and his ilk, and the voices trying to stop it from spreading are like a bunch of heroic fire-fighters who do all they can but the fire of Russian propaganda just keeps on spreading from one tree (mind) to the next. Top voices can just use (steal) the ideas of smaller content creators and no one’s going to know. Zugzwang? Not just yet but we’re getting closer and closer.
You can call Calrson a clown, you can dismiss his importance, but the fact is – he appears to be the most influential journalist in the world right now. Elon Musk is another voice often voicing pro-Russian narratives. With such powerful voices on its side, or apparently on its side, Russia is winning the information war, yes, even with their, at times, cartoonish and stupidly absurd mistakes and fakes in their ”news.” This doesn’t bode well for the world because Russian propaganda has a huge influence on our societies on all levels and not just some dim-witted guys down at the bar who mumble nonsense nobody cares about.
No, this isn’t hyperbole. I really wish it was. This is full alert.
Sure, he wanted to interview Zelensky (or so he claims), but Zelensky wasn’t interested in sitting down for an interview with Carlson. While Zelensky was criticized for ignoring Carlson, there’s no guarantee that Tucker wouldn’t have twisted Zelensky’s words to paint Russia as the victim (I can easily imagine Carlson asking Zelensky: Aleksander Dugin blames your government for his daughter’s death. What do you say to that?”)
And then, slowly but surely, painting Ukraine as Nazis while Tucker would’ve just said he’s a neutral journalist just after the facts. If only. If only, Mr. Carlson. Not a single hard question in Russia. Pro-Russian ”journalists” have now more power to cancel or clownify not just individuals, but entire nations.
Which brings me to what’s at stake. It’s a what if hypothetical, but based on a logical progression of events as I see it.
Maybe, by pointing out what’s at stake, it can be prevented.
The alarming spread of Russian propaganda around the world, under the guise of free speech, and attacking anyone who challenges these propaganda narratives as ”free-speech-destroyers” is likely going to give Russia impunity to act as it wishes in my region of the world (Central and Eastern Europe).
If U.S. interests decide to go back to business as usual with Russia, barely anyone in D.C. is going to care about Ukraine, Poland, Finland, and so on, being devoured by Russia.
Paraphrasing Trump, ”I’ll tell Putin to do whatever the hell he wants to countries that don’t pay their NATO fair share.” I know, you’re going to say this is election hyperbole, Trump being Trump, and so on. I beg to differ. I believe it was a rare moment of truth and clarity of how a rather significant portion of the U.S. establishment, regardless of political affiliations and declarations, really sees the world. Trump was channeling what some, maybe many, senior officials in D.C. want to see happen, because – that’s understandable – they are more concerned about the U.S. southern border and other domestic issues rather than Ukraine, Russia or even the Middle East. Stop sending money overseas, and get the American house in order. The Russian bear just gave a love emoji.
And I also don’t believe that some percentage of, say, Polish GDP going to NATO has any impact on how these people think about my region of the world. These people have imperial thinking, whether they realize it or not. To them, only empires matter in the world and the rest must either follow or perish. What the small players can do is have someone sympathetic to their cause, an inside man if you will, in the imperial halls of power (example: Zbigniew Brzeziński, deceased, a Polish-American political scientist and a former U.S. national security advisor).
The fact that millions in Poland, Finland, Romania, the Baltics, and so on, might be exposed to deadly Russian attacks? Who cares, if that’s the price the U.S. must pay for their business as usual with Russia. If you’re outraged now, rolling your eyes, it doesn’t matter. The world is set up the way I’ve just described. When you’re at the top of the government pyramid, you’re either a psychopath or must know how to mute your conscience. Otherwise, you’re not going to be at the top of any government or intelligence structure. Simple.
They can always light a candle for us in D.C. Russia is either going to be demilitarized and denuclearized or there’s not going to be my region of the world because Russia isn’t going to stop (Poland is torn between the East and the West, not strong enough to defend itself against these forces, must choose its allegiance or get partitioned, eventually – a tragic situation – Polish history of not being an empire for over four hundred years proves Dugin has a point, albeit hardly his idea).
It’s an existential battle for us, just as Israel is facing an existential threat from Iran.
Let me quote my Beware of the Z-Cult article in the Kyiv Post, the article of which I am proud, as I’m unlikely to ever write a poignant piece like that again.
Speaking of feudalism, all this multipolar world talk by psychiatric patients posing as philosophers is an excuse for enslaving and exterminating entire nations. Arbeit macht frei, work makes one free, Russian edition. Russian crazies really think the West is full of demonic Nazis. The West has problems, sure, but demonic Nazis? Oh, how those Ded Moroz lookalikes would love to exorcize us, enslave us, even burn us in a nuclear hellfire as a sacrifice to Russia. When it comes to Russia and Russians – expect everything. Always remember that.