A peaceful world
Police arrested a 26 year old, and charged him for the recent murder of an insurance company CEO. The CEO was gunned down on a street in New York City.
According to reports, the arrested man recently underwent back surgery, after a surfing accident. (He has a history of chronic back pain.) He comes from a wealthy family, and he studied in private schools. Reportedly he has blamed corporations for being interested only in profits, and not caring about people.
America has a problem in the way they educate their youth. Many children are not taught about G-d. So when it comes to moral choice, they are lacking the guidance that they need, in order to function as responsible and upright members of society. They have not been given a strong awareness of G-d, and that He wants us to not harm others.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe advocated for the need to correct this. He urged that public schools have a daily moment of silence, and to publicize in the media that parents should tell their children what to think about during the silent moment, beginning with that there is One above Who conducts the child’s life, and the lives of the child’s family and friends. The Rebbe said that doing so would relieve us from having to worry about issues of delinquency, and would enable children to become morally upright adults.
America needs to give their children what they need — a strong reason to be law abiding.
The Rebbe also spoke passionately about the seven Noahide laws, which G-d told Moses, at Mount Sinai, to tell all the nations of the world.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s teachings are a bright beacon of light, showing nations how to make our world peaceful. His emissaries worldwide are spreading his message, as people increasingly realize its importance.
May we very soon see a world at peace, and may the Redemption with Moshiach come very soon.