A picture of your soul
I had a discussion with my oldest son about pictures of ourselves, and how rare it is to feel that you are captured in the moment exactly as you are. Growing up in Miami and living in Los Angeles, especially today, pictures are all about marketing, representation and unfortunately or fortunately touch ups. I actually love being a muse, and have had the most amazing experiences with talented photographers that I feel showed a glimpse into my soul.
Now you add smart phones, multiple selfies until you get just the right one, and AI so where is the real you? Once again I feel hopeful for the return of our hostages, and still in prayer for all of the hostages to come home immediately, please God. So far there have been two rounds of release. In the first one, Emily Damari showed her wounded hand missing two fingers, as a sign of victory and homecoming, and it became a symbol of strength and hope. In the second round Liri Albag made a heart with her fingers from a window of the rescue helicopter. These two symbols are captured perfectly in the picture above by Sarah Tuttle-Singer, and sometimes creating your own picture can express and share a deep message of survival. The power and longevity of the Jewish people, עם ישראל חי, the Nation of Israel lives!
I was sharing with the my son that since I love taking quality pictures. it is not easy for me to share a picture that I do not feel shows the real me. My profile picture on this blog was taken at a Nefesh B Nefesh party for people that just made Aliyah. I loved the energy of the whole picture, and how it felt so good to be in my homeland with my family. We are not perfect, and I think it is important to share parts of ourselves that are normal, human and real. I love to get dolled up for special occasions. I love heels and lipstick, and I love looking fabulous. As a Yoga teacher, I enjoyed being completely the opposite, just casual and makeup free, natural and sometimes disheveled. The best way to describe it is Yoga or Diva, and nothing in between. I know many people feel good being put together all the time, while others all always dressed down or in a certain style. For instance sportswear, or a certain fashion or style that expresses their creativity.
I personally love change, and transformation. It is the most exciting place in my brain. Right now it is one of those times in my life. I am trying to balance keeping strong and grounded for my family, breathing through the insanity of the world and knowing that the Jewish people and Israel will persevere as always. Just look at history, please look at history, and those of you that are not sure, but feel good following a cause you know nothing about. Please talk to both sides openly, keep learning and growing because there is never one answer. For instance, murderous terrorists are being released in exchange for innocent, peace loving hostages that were brutally taken from their homes. One thing that is just plain truth, is that Jewish people value life above everything, and there is a very powerful phrase in the Talmud that explains that when you save one life you save a whole world.
In order to stay balanced and sane we have to figure out for ourselves how to self care, and what that personally means to you. As a mother and wife, sometimes that means putting my family first, taking the time to listen and know I will get back to myself, because I always do. In older generations and different cultures, especially women would sacrifice themselves for their family. I have the opposite view:
- I come first
- Then my husband
- So I can give my all to my kids
Does that make sense? Checking in with yourself and making sure you are full of energy to give to everyone and everything in your life is a must. Each individual has to figure it out for themselves. Find someone to talk to, fill your life with activities that you love, and prioritize “you time.” Your partner deserves all of you, and yes life is life, but making the effort to be the best for each other is essential. I have three kids, and try my best to give each one my ear and my time.
All we can say all day is “Baruch Hashem,” thanking God for our problems. Haven’t you heard that if everyone puts their problems in a pile, you would take yours back. We never know what anybody else is going through. Communication, knowing who you are deep down, and living your truth is the only way I know how to wake up every morning thanking God for another day.
As we see images and videos of immaculately dressed and healthy Hamas soldiers harrassing and forcing young girls being released to perform lies to the world. Open your eyes and stand on the side of truth.
There is only one truth.
The truth will be clear.
Stand with Israel.
In last weeks Torah portion, Vayera, it is a phrase we heard before, and are saying it again.