A secret never told
There is this story
About a nation
Who had survived
Years and years of war
But let me tell you
A secret never told
If you try to destroy them
They will come back strong
But. Do the opposite
And they will soon be gone
Not by weapons
Not by oppression
But by giving them love
And opening your arms
They will forget their past
And they will join your ride
Its funny to think
That the nation loved by G-d
Can only perish
When is loved more
By other souls
Its poetic in a way
Thousand of years
Living in hate
By other who harm them
But they always failed
To think that
With simple love
They will forget
Their history
And their faith
Its a little scary
But a little great
As a poet I find it
Intriguing in a way
A Nation who stood against
All odds
And all the hate
Could soon perish
For love, instead