Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

A song

Sit around and I’ll tell you a story. It’s a Chanukah story, and it’s the story of the Jewish people.

It’s a story about the streets of Jerusalem filled with happiness.

And then the people tested G-d and rebelled.

It’s a story of exile, Israel a light to the nations.

And how G-d poured His wrath against those who oppressed His people — Syria, now in ruins.

It’s a story about miracles, Moshiach.

And Jerusalem rebuilt, the streets filled with happiness.

It’s about song, rising high. As we rejoice. Redeemed.

It’s about a world that shines with the light of Chanukah.

Tell your children.

And watch the light shine forever.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for