A sound pierces the skies
Do you hear it? Listen. Listen carefully to a sound so great that it’s piercing the heavens.
Sitting back, walking, driving, whatever you’re doing, if you stop and listen, you’ll hear the sound that pierces heavens and pierces the fabric of the earth, sound that pierces souls, sound that wakes up the people, wakes up the nations, wakes up the world.
Do you hear it yet? No? Then open the newspaper online, or a podcast, or listen to your neighbours talking about world events. Listen, you’ll hear the sound piercing heaven, piercing souls, piercing, ourselves, permeating, inspiring.
Listen, and you’ll hear the blast of the shofar. “And on that day, there will be the blast of a great shofar, and those who are lost in the land of Asher, and those who are oppressed in the land of Egypt, they will come and bow down to G-d on the holy mountain in Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 27; 13)
The nations hear the sound. Everyone sees Israel fighting a battle to destroy evil, even as the rest of the world screams for Israel to stop. Because when it comes to destroying evil, when it comes to doing what G-d wants, it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world says. Even if we stand alone, “a nation alone” among all the other nations, we are still entrusted with a mission to the nations, to teach the nations morality, and to show the importance of destroying evil.
Don’t worry, don’t fret. You can relax, you can sit back and dream — dream of a time of Redemption, when the whole world will know and appreciate G-dliness.
You can sit back and dream of Redemption. Because the dream, the actual Redemption, the awakening to G-d‘s presence in the world, where all the nations will become aware, is very close.
“It will be on that day, a great shofar will sound, and those who are lost will come to bow down before G-d.”
That great day, that day of Redemption is so close, that if we listen carefully, we can actually hear the sound of the shofar.