A trip to Israel inspires future leaders
The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation is proud to support AIPAC’s Campus Allies Mission, which brings non-Jewish, pro-Israel political activists to Israel for the first time. Participants learn about the importance of the relationship between the United States and Israel and gain a deeper understanding of Israel’s strategic, social, and security issues, right in the heart of the Holy Land.
One of our Campus Allies Alumni, Micah Fielden, has shared how the Campus Allies Mission has impacted his life. You can read his post below.
The Milstein Campus Allies Trip run by AIPAC in 2012 had a profound impact on my life. At the time, I had just finished my term as the Student Body President of the University of Kentucky. My Christian upbringing and political beliefs made me a strong supporter of Israel, but I had not yet had the chance to visit. AIPAC allowed me to see the Jewish State for the first time. It was, in a word, inspirational.
Thanks to the networking opportunities offered my AIPAC trip, I was able to make connections with high-level staffers on the Mitt Romney presidential campaign and later leverage those connections to get a job. In hindsight, its hard to believe that my path from a Romney campaign project manager in the Digital Department, to a Trip Coordinator planning rallies, events, and other logistics around the country all began with a trip to Israel. My AIPAC trip not only taught me about the Jewish State, it catapulted my career to new heights.
While working on the Campaign, I became great friends with a lady that knew of my desires to attend law school. This relationship led me to accept a position at the Georgetown University Law Center, where I am a member of the Class of 2016. I’m about to enter my final year and will be joining a firm in New York City following graduation.
I can hardly believe all the remarkable things that have come from my trip to Israel, professionally and personally. It helped refine my understanding of the US-Israel friendship, helped me find a job out of college, and ultimately gain admission to the law school of my dreams. I will be forever thankful for the generosity of the Milstein family as well as AIPAC. If my own experience is any indication of the future, I am confident Campus Allies will continue to inspire future generations of young, pro-Israel leaders.
To learn more about the philanthropic work of Adam Milstein and the Milstein Family Foundation, visit http://milsteinff.org