All Rivers Flow to the Sea
All rivers flow to the sea, their source;
Like children striving to find their true home.
The journey’s ebb and flow rhythm echoes,
Through hills, mountains, valleys and fields of life,
Through highs and lows, rocks, pebbles and sandy shores,
To find ourselves, upon losing ourselves,
In the sea that inhales and exhales us.
To return from whence we came, to journey, yet, again.
The Shema prayer, as an itinerary,
Pronounces its way stations, from whence we choose,
After being sent from home, on life’s journey,
To then retire from our travels, and arise, yet, again,
For another journey, where it all begins anew
Until we have fulfilled our earth journey’s mission.
(Inspired by the first paragraph of the Shema prayer; Ecclesiastes 1:7; Ethics of the Fathers: Rav Yacov 4: 16 or 4:21 depending on the source numeration.)