Jane Zweig

“All things Israel and all things Maryland” — Celebrating Israel with 14,000 of my closest friends

This week I was among the 14,000 to attend the annual AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. I attended this event with 14,000 of my closest friends.

I attended plenary and breakout sessions dealing with issues of national security, U.S./Israel relations, Israel innovation and entrepreneurships – from important medical breakthroughs to water to cyber security to investment not divestment.

I heard Secretary of State John Kerry talk about the U.S. role in the Middle East peace negotiations.

I heard Benjamin Netanyahu talk about Israel’s right to exist, its unwavering position on Iran, its pride in innovation and its entrepreneurships.

I experienced all of this with 14,000 of my closest friends.

Though I could emphasize and discuss the many, many speeches I heard — all of which were moving, I won’t. I will focus on 14,000 of my closest friends.


People asked me what was my favorite part — what did I learn? I really can’t answer.

The speeches from the Latino community and from the African American community were truly inspiring. We all rose to our feet. The 2,300 young people (students) who attended were more than touching. It is the future.

The real value was the solidarity I felt among 14,000 of my closest friends. We were all pro-Israel. We were all pro-Israel activists.

Yes, we all had different backgrounds but it didn’t matter. We gathered together in support of the one place we love — Israel.

I know Israel will survive in spite of its enemies who wish to destroy her. 14,000 of my closest friends won’t let her die.

Just as Israel rose from the ashes following the Holocaust, so too will she live in the future. It will survive because of our 2,300 students and the millions of Jews and non-Jews around the world who wish to see Israel thrive, survive and live.

Israel will set a technological example for the world to follow. Governments and entrepreneurs globally already are flocking to witness the prowess of Israel’s accomplishments. Investor dollars are flowing into Israel to support the many, many advancements coming from Israel.

I love Israel and I am from Maryland. I am proud to celebrate in solidarity with 14,000 of my closest friends… and millions of people across the globe.

About the Author
Jane Zweig is an independent analyst and rainmaker who loves Israel. Jane's background hails from the high tech sector, where she worked consulting with Israeli start ups, large companies, financial institutions and the government sector. Jane is currently working with Middle East analysts and Israeli fashion designers to spread their message and products to the United States and the world. She also works with The Jewish Federation of Howard County, Maryland on its soon to be launched Israel speaker series as well as co chair of the 2015 Journey to Israel sponsored by the Federation. Jane lives in the great State of Maryland, which is neither here nor there, but she is very proud of where she lives and Maryland's ties to Israel..both personally and independently.