An Alter Kakker Reminisces about Bobolinks
Bar-tailed godwits non-stop fly,
Alaska to the South Pacific,
curlews with a bristled thigh
fly as far, and this terrific
distance by the Arctic tern
is almost matched. The marathon
they fly would be amazing for
all humans, who depend upon
their cars, mere little walks a bore
for all except the Orthodox,
observing Sabbath’s strenuous rules,
walking with their shoes and socks
on Shabbos mornings to the shuls —
instead of socks, most ladies wear
fine stockings or else pantyhose,
a detail there’s no need to share,
although I do this, I suppose! —
and later may walk to their friends
to share their kugel and their cholent,
the sort of food that sometimes sends
them for advice that isn’t cool, ent-
erologically advised
to eat more healthy food and try
to walk and run, less exercised
than bar-tailed godwits in the sky,
because inside their cars they stay,
to all their destinations driven,
except on Shabbos, when they pray,
while weekday driving is forgiven
if they’re lucky. Some are not,
and may require shunts in hearts,
for coronaries tend to clot
in people who, like shopping carts,
are rolled around, and do not ex-
cercise like curlews or a tern
or bar-tailed godwits. Jewish texts,
taught now in YU and in Stern,
provide the world with answers to
the epidemic that affects
all people who don’t walk. Do you?
If not, do contact Jewish sects,
and practice every Shabbos walking,
just like a migratory bird
try singing, too, and give up talking
in shul, which really is absurd
if you are going there to pray.
You might as well step in your car
and drive, although less far away
than birds which really travel far,
most notably the bobolink,
songbird reminding me of Linda,
my wife, whose bobbamayses link
two alte kakkers to grand-kinder.