Chaim Y. Botwinick

An Open Letter of Chizuk to the Families of Southern and Northern Israel

Credit: unsplash

Dear Friends,

I write this “Open Letter”  with utmost compassion, and respect for you and for all of your families.

Who would have imagined that following the tragic barbaric attack of  October 7th that your lingering pain and anguish resulting from your physical  relocation would continue beyond several months.

On the eve of  Rosh Hashana and  the one year-anniversary of this tragedy, our hearts are heavy with sadness as we are mitpallel for your return to your homes, the safe release of the hostages and your return to some level  of normalcy on both the southern and northern borders of Israel.

Our feelings and thoughts regarding your matzav cannot be overstated  Your  harrowing experiences since October 7th are daunting, unsettling and distressing.

You are indeed  chalutzim who risked your lives by settling and living on Israel’s borders instead of living in  the safe comfort of central Israel. You are the ones who are constantly vigilant and keeping watch at the border in order to protect acheinu; and, you are the brave heroes and chalutzim who are the first line of defence against our enemies in the north and south.

For this alone, we thank you profusely.

To reside these past almost 12 months in temporary housing and residences away from your children’s schools, medical clinics, community centers, and other familial community institutions is beyond our comprehension. We can only begin to  imagine the traumatic and harrowing experiences you are enduring by living day and night in cramped quarters in hotels with strangers. Living so far away, yet so near to the  warmth and comfort of your beautiful  homes.

We are so sorry for this sad reality – especially for your very young children and elderly members of your family who we are told are experiencing a very difficult time at best and are no longer adjusting well.

As difficult and as challenging this reality may be, please do not despair and please do not give up hope. The Israeli government we are informed in the media, is doing everything possible to ensure your return to your homes. To be sure, one of the major goals for the IDF’s current  incursion into Lebanon is to push back Hezbollah  in order to ensure that you and your families may eventually (GD willing), return safely to the north.

We all know, it is a far cry from sleeping in your own beds and living in the comfort of your own homes and in your communities.

We all recognize that you are experiencing feelings and emotions in addition to your worry and deep concern  about an  uncertain future; the uncertainty of tomorrow; the continued worry about the health and wellbeing of your loved ones and friends currently serving as brave and  proud IDF chayalim and chayalot  in Gaza and on Israel’s northern border; and, we know that you spend sleepless nights worrying whether you and your families will ever be able to return home to pre October 7th communities.

With GD’s help you will return soon.

As we view the current matzav in Israel and the unlimited challenges you and your families face on a daily basis, we must remain hopeful and thankful to HaShem  that you are at least safe and secure  (albeit living  in hotels and other temporary facilities)  to live through  this unimaginable nightmare.

As we read in Sefer Yehoshyahu (Isaiah), the 5th book of Prophets, we learn about confronting adversity and about returning to Yerushalyim and redemption.

HaShem promises to rescue his people, saying that he will bring them home from the east and the west.

These promises and commitments are timeless and have helped Acheinu Bais Yisrael maintain a  level of hope, bitachon and promise throughout Jewish history..

The level of uncertainty by not knowing how you and your families will be able to return to your homes is beyond frustrating, devastating and disheartening. But, please know that all of us living in the diaspora  hope and pray continuously that your return to your permanent homes will happen soon. To be sure, we are very optimistic and hopeful  that HaShem will ensure our complete and safe victory over our adversaries and enemies in order that you return to your respective homes.

Please also  know and understand that you and your families are not political pawns as several social media pundits and  journalist would have the public believe.  But rather true heros, and  brave defenders of  Eretz Yisrael, Medinat Yisrael and  Am Yisrael.

The recent hostilities and ramped up fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and the recent fighting on the northern border should be a clear indication of Israel’s unswerving and unflinching commitment to your safe return home and to the safety and welfare of amcha

May HaShem continue to protect you and your families and may he comfort you in your pain; and may you all be blessed with a Shana Tova of shalom, good health and a safe return to your homes.

One final thought…..

It is important to  know that although we in the United States live close to 10,000  miles from Israel, we are continuously thinking about your welfare and wellbeing and will continue to be  mitpallel for your permanent safe return to your homes.

May this coming Rosh Hashana be one of shalom, bracha, and achdut for you, your families and for Acheinu Bnai Yisrael

Shana Tova Umetuka and Am Yisrael Chai

About the Author
Dr. Chaim Botwinick is a senior executive coach and an organizational consultant . He served as president and CEO of the central agency for Jewish education in Baltimore and in Miami; in addition to head of school and principal for several Jewish day schools and yeshivot. As an Influencer, he has published and lectured extensively on topics relating to education, resource development, strategic planning and leadership development. Dr. Botwinick is Author of “Think Excellence: Harnessing Your Power to Succeed Beyond Greatness”, Brown Books, 2011
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