Ancient Wisdom: Stretching Beyond – Pharaoh’s Daughter’s Lessons
Ancient Wisdom Applied in the Modern World – Stretching for the Impossible: Lessons From Pharaoh’s Daughter That Modern Life Forgot
If you have 30 seconds:
Pharaoh’s daughter wasn’t just stepping into the Nile; she was stepping into history.
Picture the scene: her attendants chattering, a gentle breeze rippling the water, and then, a faint cry breaking the serenity.
She spotted a basket, far out of reach. Most would have dismissed retrieving it as impossible, but her determination defied logic. The Rabbis’ interpretation suggests that she stretched out her hand and, miraculously, it extended far enough to grasp the basket. That moment that took place over 3250 years ago not only saved Moses’ life, but changed the course of history (based on Exodus 2: 5–6).
What’s the lesson here? You don’t need all the answers to begin.
Pharaoh’s daughter could have said, “It’s too far; I can’t reach it.” Instead, she acted with faith and effort, leaving space for Divine intervention. This ancient wisdom remains strikingly relevant today: Don’t wait for perfect conditions to pursue your goals. Stretch—figuratively or literally—and see how opportunities align.
Think about your own aspirations. Do they feel like that distant basket—out of reach, too daunting? Perhaps the world is waiting for you to stretch first. Even when a goal seems impossible, the act of trying can create miracles.
Take that first step. Extend yourself like Pharaoh’s daughter did. You may find that the impossible becomes achievable—not because the challenge has diminished, but because you’ve grown.
If you have another minute
Obstacles are not punishments.
The Soccer Goal Lesson Reimagined
Years later, a seemingly trivial conversation about soccer with my then-8-year-old son in the park brought everything full circle.
Now grown, he was on the sidelines coaching a group of eager eight-year-olds. As the kids kicked wildly, missing the goal again and again, I saw frustration mounting. My son called a timeout and gathered them together. “Listen,” he said, “soccer isn’t just about scoring goals. It’s about strategy, teamwork, and overcoming obstacles.”
One boy piped up, “But it’s so hard to get past the defenders!”
My son smiled and said, “Exactly. If there were no defenders, what would be the point?”
From the sidelines, I couldn’t help but chuckle, recalling that long-ago day in the park. Back then, my son unknowingly taught me the same lesson he was now passing on. The joy of achieving a goal lies in the struggle. Facing the defenders, the missed kicks, and even the muddy falls—these are what make victory sweet.
As a wise man once said:
– “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do; it comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn’t.”
If Pharaoh’s daughter hadn’t stretched out her hand, where would Moses be? Where would humanity be?
So, the next time life throws defenders in your path, embrace the challenge. These obstacles aren’t there to block you; they exist to make the goal worth reaching. And remember, just like in soccer, the true joy lies not just in scoring but in playing the game.
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This publication is kindly sponsored by Tony & Robin Mitchell – In loving memory of their parents: Schaindel bat Yitzchak ע”ה, Yeshayahu ben Chaim ע”ה, Avraham Fischel ben Yosef ע”ה, Chana Raizl bat Azriel HaKohen ע”ה and in honour of Shaina Miriam bas Gavriala Ruth