Kenneth Cohen

Angels As Messengers

The main theme of Parshat Vayishlach is the confrontation between Yakov and Eisav. It is symbolic of future struggles between the Jewish people and the descendants of Eisav.

Rashi comments that when the Torah said that Yakov sent messengers to Eisav, the word, מלאכים, which also means, “angels,” was used. He wrote that these messengers were actual angels.

Rav Kook questioned this possibility because a messenger sent by a Jew, must be Jewish. This is learned from the laws regarding the separation of Tithes. The wording of the Torah teaches, מה אתם בני ברית אף שלוחכם בני ברית, “Just as you are sons of the covenant, so must your messengers be sons of the covenant.” This means that they must be Jewish, and angels are not Jewish.

Rav Kook further explains that the world before the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai was very different. Even though we say that the Avot observed the Torah, it was still not the commanded Torah of Mount Sinai.

There was a major change to the world when the Jewish people exclaimed, “We will do and we will hear.” At that time, there was much more orderliness to the world.
The Jewish people understood and accepted their special calling. They needed to teach the world morality and goodness. They were the guarantors that the world would not self destruct into chaos.

Before Mount Sinai, there were certain very holy and special individuals. Because the Torah had not yet been given, these sacred human beings were able to communicate with the angels. Yakov Avinu was one of those unique people.

Therefore, when Rashi said that the messengers were actual angels, it is perfectly in order to accept such an interpretation.

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at