Stanley M. Rosenblatt

Antisemites Should Love the Jews

Antisemites should love the Jews.


Because Jews saved thousands of them, and thousands of their children from developing polio.

Polio was a scourge, and it hit children the hardest.  There was a terrible epidemic in the United States in the late 1940s and early 1950s.  The victims were unable to walk, thousands suffered the horrors of iron lungs, which imprisoned them, since they could not breathe on their own.

Polio was caused by a virus, and someone had to discover a vaccine to extinguish it.  By the late 1950s, the threat had virtually been eliminated because Dr. Jonas Salk, a Jew, developed the first widely used vaccine.  Thousands upon thousands of people (perhaps millions) Christians, Muslims, antisemites – were saved from death, or from permanent paralysis.

Another Jew, Dr. Albert Sabin, developed a vaccine from live strains of the virus, which also saved innumerable lives.  Salk’s vaccine came from the killed virus.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only president in American history to be elected four times – 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944.  During that entire time, he was unable to walk two steps unaided.  Why?  Because he had polio, infantile paralysis, which he contracted at the age of 39.

Now I am going to name some Jewish doctors and scientists who have saved lives. Even Jews have never heard of these individuals.

Richard Alan Cash. Dr. Cash developed an oral rehydration therapy for cholera patients, and for the treatment of severe diarrhea worldwide.  The World Health Organization estimated that ORT had saved over 60 million lives.  How many of the 60 million were Jew haters, totally unaware of what a Jew had done for them?

Leonard Herzenberg, a stem cell researcher and immunologist, created a device that can pick out individual cells from a mass of trillions.  There are approximately 40,000 such devices in operation around the world, which have saved innumerable lives from various forms of cancer, HIV infections, etc.  Herzenberg developed strains of antibodies that glom onto targeted viruses and bacteria in order to destroy them.

Jack Fishman developed an opioid antagonist, called Naloxone, which has saved thousands from overdoses of heroin, etc.

William Pollack helped develop a vaccine for a disease that killed 10,000 infants a year in the United States.  The deaths had been caused by a blood incompatibility between mothers and their fetuses (RH disease).  The vaccine virtually eradicated the disease. Where is the gratitude?

Stanley Plotkin developed both the rubella vaccine as well as the vaccine against rabies.

George Rosenkranz revolutionized human reproductive history by inventing the birth control pill, which has allowed millions to plan their families, space their children, and decide on the number of children they wish to have.  He also developed the first practical synthesis of cortisone used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, and reduce painful inflammation in muscles and joints.

Liane Russell–a geneticist who pioneered the study of the danger of radiation on developing embryos.  Because of her work, millions of doctors have asked millions of women if they were pregnant before subjecting them to X-rays.  Millions of babies have been saved from deformities or death.  Undoubtedly, some of these babies grew up to be Jew haters.

Dr. Russell studied genetic abnormalities and made outstanding contributions to the field of genetics and radiation biology.

This is going to sound very egocentric, but I am convinced that if not for the Holocaust, every disease would by now, have been eradicated.  As polio no longer exists, cancer would not exist, nor would AIDS or a host of other deadly diseases.

Think of the brain power that was lost to the world because of the deaths of 6 million Jews.  Think of the brain power that was lost because the victims did not have the opportunity to produce children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

There are six categories of Nobel Prizes (literature, chemistry, economics, physics. Medicine, and world peace), and in all of them, Jews have excelled.  Here is an extraordinary statistic – between 1901 and 2013, there have been 855 laureates in all fields, and 193 – 22% – have been Jewish.  Twenty-two percent when Jews constitute less than 1 percent of the world population.

The Noble Prize for physics, 1901 through 2007 – 181 awarded, 48 were Jews.

The Noble Prize for physiology and medicine since 1901 – 189 awarded, 59 were Jews.

I do not believe that the facts of Jewish achievement are based on any inherent or biological superiority.  Rather, I think, it is the result of the Jewish enshrinement of education and reading, as well as a parental emphasis on creativity and good deeds.  The worst insult that can be hurled at a Jewish child or teenager is – you will never amount to anything.  Jews want to amount to something – they are ambitious and wish to excel.

Study and scholarship are part of the DNA of the Jewish people, and where that comes from, is the study of the Torah and Talmud and Gemara, and Mishnah through the ages.  Even for those Jews who are totally irreligious, that background remains part of their internal chemistry.  Jews have the do-gooder gene.  It is a rare Jew, who having acquired wealth, does not become philanthropic.  Of course, there have been Jewish criminals and swindlers, and cheats and liars – but the mainstream regards them with contempt.

The mainstream wants to make the world a better place!

About the Author
Stanley Rosenblatt, with his wife and law-partner Susan, challenged the Tobacco Industry’s half- century of lies resulting in the largest jury-verdict in American history – $145 billion. They also managed to raise nine children and have been blessed with over thirty grandchildren. Stanley hosted “Israeli Diary” on PBS and his interviews included Ariel Sharon, Yitzhak Rabin, Moshe Ahrens and Shimon Peres. He is the author of six books – most recently: “America: What is the Matter with Us?” (2024)
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