Are You Really Alive?
We breathe, eat, think, talk, walk.
Does that make us alive?
In a certain sense, yes.
But in a deeper sense, maybe not.
There are people who breathe, eat, etc, but don’t feel alive.
So it seems that there is more to life; namely a sense of self-worth.
A feeling of meaningful accomplishment.
A certain happiness, or as the French say, “Joie de vivre,” — joyfulness in one’s living.
When our breathing air, eating food, and walking from one place to another is infused with true happiness, joy, and meaning, then we are alive in a full sense of the word.
Torah is called the Torah of life. G-d is referred to as a living G-d.
And when we are attuned to G-d and His will, then we are alive.
Because G-d, Who is the source of all life, informed us, at Mount Sinai, how to be truly alive.
Six hundred thousand people, men, women, and children, witnessed G-d’s revelation to them at Mount Sinai.
It was a historical event that was witnessed, and then transmitted, parent to child, throughout the generations.
At Mount Sinai, G-d told Moses to tell all the nations to follow the seven Noahide laws.
And the Jewish people were later exiled among the nations, in order to be a light to the entire world.
G-d is alive. And, as the Torah says (Deuteronomy 4; 4), “By cleaving to the Lord your G-d, you are all alive this day.”