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Jemma Wayne
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Sep 7, 2018, 3:51 PM
Simmering antisemitism needs little excuse to boil over
A couple of years ago, I wrote a novel set between England and Israel against the backdrop of 2014’s conflict with Hamas. Much of the story explored the feelings of Jews in the UK at that time – feelings of being ostracised, blamed, pointed at,...
Aug 9, 2018, 5:54 PM
Silence Boris and we might as well all be wearing burkas too
It seems to have been forgotten that what Boris Johnson actually said this week, was that we shouldn’t ban the burka. Shouldn’t. As in Muslim women should continue to enjoy the right to exercise their freedom of both religion and self-expression. It is interesting that...
Jun 20, 2017, 4:45 PM
After Grenfell, we must redress inequalities that plague our society
Change is in the air. First there was Brexit, then Trump, then Corbyn’s unexpected surge, and now, the tragedy of Grenfell Tower has brought all of these events into unavoidable clarity: we are a society divided, deeply, by class. Inside our bubbles, it is too...
Jan 31, 2017, 5:44 PM
We must resist the prejudices that exist within ourselves
Listening to LBC this week, an astute point was made by a Jewish caller. While the world erupts over Donald Trump’s ban on people from seven countries entering the US, he noted that nobody bats an eyelid over the fact that anyone with an Israeli...
Sep 16, 2016, 11:49 AM
Peace efforts are in dire need of female voices
After Tory MP Karl McCartney’s spectacularly misguided rant last week about the ‘shrill equal pay brigade,’ and in the same week that police considered making misogyny a hate crime, attitudes to gender have again, rightly, hit the spotlight. As well as incorrectly interpreting the statistics,...
Jun 14, 2016, 4:00 PM
From Tel Aviv to Orlando, let’s stop the facile finger pointing
Since the awful, homophobic attack in Orlando on Sunday, the news agenda has moved on from Tel Aviv. But when I first heard about the Sarona shooting last week, it was all I could think about. I was standing outside a radio station, getting ready...
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About Me
Jemma is a journalist, playwright, and author of Chains of Sand (June 2016) and Baileys Longlisted After Before.
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