Michael Chighel

Michael Chighel

Dean of the Ashkenazium
About Me
Michael Chighel earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Toronto for his dissertation on the Book of Job. In Canada he taught in the departments of philosophy and of Jewish studies at the universities of York, Queen’s and Waterloo. There he also produced and hosted "Passages" and "Messages" for eleven seasons on Canadian television (CTS). From 2008-2015 he held the Rohr Chair of Jewish Studies at the Lauder Business School in Vienna. From 2015-2020 he produced video series for, including "Your Backstory" and "Parsha Perks." Among various publications, his most significant to date is "Kabale. Das Geheimnis des Hebräischen Humanismus im Lichte von Heideggers Denken" (Klostermann, 2020). Presently he is the dean of the Ashkenazium in Budapest.
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