Tali Yariv Mashal

Tali Yariv Mashal

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About Me
Tali Yariv-Mashal (LL.B Tel Aviv University, MA Columbia University; Ph.D., Columbia University; EMC Insead University) is Currently Director of Interdisciplinary Research and Engagement at the Center for Applied Research on Risks to Democracy at the Tel Aviv University. She also works as an independent advisor for Philanthropists, Philanthropic Foundations and NGOs, and is a researcher of Civil Society, Philanthropy and Education. Tali was the Director of the Beracha Foundation between 2010 – 2023 and served as the Chair of the Israeli National Forum of Foundations between 2020-2023. Prior to her roles in Philanthropy , Tali was a fellow researcher and lecturer at the Gilo Center for Civic Education (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2016-2019), served as the director of the Excellence program at the ‘Beit Berl ‘ Teachers College (2016-2018) Which is a joint program for Arab speaking teachers, art teachers and Jewish Hebrew speaking teachers; and worked with various NGOs and with the Ministry of Education on topics of Civic Education , Education for Democracy and Democratic Leadership. Tali serves as board member in various NGOs: she is the founding Chair of "Haira - Urban Sustainable" , a board member of "121 For Social Change" and a board member of "Bonot Alternativa".
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